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Tonton Fred

Member Since 03 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Nov 28 2012 02:41 AM

Topics I've Started

Innates Set to Level One bug

10 August 2012 - 12:18 PM

This mod, part of the BWP install, screws up the Ritual Scroll in Watcher's Keep, effectively preventing the resolution of the dungeon (other than directly fighting the Imprisoned One). PLOT01.itm (the Ritual Scroll) uses SPIN593.SPL, which is set to level 1 by the mod. Setting it back to the original value (5) allows the plot to proceed when using the scroll.

The bug has apparently been around since 2005, involving various mods that modify innates' levels.

EDIT : same thing happens with the second scroll that the ghostly spirit gives you after you leave (PLOT01Q.ITM and SPIN592.SPL).

aTweaks / IR compatibility

30 July 2012 - 02:17 AM


aTweaks PnP Undead messes up Item Revisions' item reallocation. IR gives the Underdark Death Knight leader (uddeath2.cre) Soul Reaver (sw2h08.itm) so he can use it and drop it on death :

// remove Frost Giant Strength belt from Death Knight and properly equip him, also give him Helm of Darkness
COPY_EXISTING uddeath2.cre override LPF FJ_CRE_VALIDITY RET valid=valid END PATCH_IF valid BEGIN
  REMOVE_CRE_ITEM plat16 sw2h08 belt08	 // he didn't wear that belt anyway
  PATCH_IF comp_ir=1 && comp_cursed=0 BEGIN
	ADD_CRE_ITEM helm02 #3 #0 #0 NONE HELMET
  ADD_CRE_ITEM plat16 #0 #0 #0 NONE ARMOR

but the change is then overwritten by PnP Undead, which gives him another 2H sword. That makes it impossible to get Soul Reaver on a Item Reallocation + PnP Undead install.


EDIT : this also seems to affect the Helm of Darkness (helm02) that this Death Knight is supposed to wear.

Parsing error on install

17 July 2012 - 03:23 PM


I get a parsing error on trying to install PnP Undead 3.91 & 3.90 :

Compiling 3 scripts ...
ERROR: parsing [tb#compile_patches/atweaks/baf/undead/fl#bg1kn.baf]: Not_found
ERROR: error compiling [tb#compile_patches/atweaks/baf/undead/fl#bg1kn.baf]: Not_found
ERROR: compiling [atweaks/baf/undead/fl#bg1kn.baf]!
Stopping installation because of error.

Same thing happens with PnP Fiends.  The baf file is indeed located in the indicated awteaks sub-folder, but I don't know what this tb#compile_patches folder is supposed to be. It must be something on my end, since I had no problem on a similar install before, but I have no clue why it worked before and not anymore...


Possible Bhaalpower bug ?

08 July 2012 - 09:44 PM


in my game, the Cure Affliction Bhaalpower does not seem to cure Mummy Rot (from PnP Undead). The icon and notification in the character sheet disappear, but if I try to heal the afflicted character through magic, I get a message warning he/she is still infected. Visiting a temple does the trick, but it seems the power should either not do anything (ie leave the diseased icon) or cure it completely.

On a sidenote, the PnP Undead component seems to overlap a bit with SimDing0's Quest/Tweakpack (not sure which) creature corrections, which adds Gaze of Despair to the Mummies, similar to Aura of Fear from aTweaks. It's just an additional race script which I deleted from the relevant .CREs, but having both seems a bit too much.



BGT Tweakpack : items not shattering

02 July 2012 - 07:51 PM


almost at the end of my run of BG1/ToSC, I have installed the following components of the BGT Tweakpack :

SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #1502 // Altered item shattering -> Make armor and shields shatter: 10 (8 Jan 12)
SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ #0 #2400 // Enemy items shatter: 10 (8 Jan 12)

yet, in the whole game, I have not seen 1 weapon or armor shatter, be it mine or enemies'. Any clues as to what may have gone wrong ? I have attached my weidu.log, and can provide changelogs if needed.
