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Member Since 17 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 26 2010 03:36 PM

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In Topic: BG1+2 Mod Order Help

18 August 2010 - 11:02 AM


You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

Edit: One more quick bit. These mods are installed in the indicated order; is this done before or after the BiG World is installed and run?
Edit.2: Where would Tashia go?

Final Edit: I RTFM'd and understand. The mods are downloaded and pulled a part of BiG World Setup. Now I understand why this application is SUPERINCREDIBLY valuable rather than pretty valuable.

In Topic: BG1+2 Mod Order Help

18 August 2010 - 08:50 AM

In addition, I would like:
*A Mega Mod (have used BiG World but I have had a very minor bug with it {the checkboxes on the mod selection screen are unclickable under any circumstances})

So you have the problem indicated here, and the solution is to uninstall the Widescreen mod, then install the GUI mod you did that cheesed the game, and then reinstall the Widescreen mod, last.

No, I don't.
My current setup (totally clean, using the Minimal settings) for BiG World works perfectly.
**Edit: I am aware that my current build works perfectly from some extensive testing (playing through the entire thing several times).**

The issue was during installation. During the "further customization" screen, when all BiG World supported mods were listed, the individual checkboxes to have a mod installed as part of BiG World installation were unclickable. This does not affect my experience at all and seemed incidental at best. My real question was what order to install mods in to avoid borking my install.