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Member Since 21 Nov 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 28 2011 05:55 PM

Topics I've Started

What happens if I install RR after BG2 Tweaks?

27 October 2011 - 05:39 PM

Hi, I already installed BG2 Tweaks, and I see in the install order RR should come before it -

What could happen if I installed RR now (will it work)? Should I run BG2 Tweaks again after it?


Edit: And I've also installed Sword Coast Stratagems for BG1.

Please help, struggling with Sword Coast Stratagems!

21 December 2010 - 11:50 PM

Hi, I'm playing Baldur's Gate 1 with SCS and am having a lot of trouble with: the Bandit Camp, Lamalha's assassin group, and spiders.

My problems specifically: I have no idea how to counter the web-firing of spiders except for buying potions of free action, the ambush from the assassin party just crushes me (had to flee, getting backstabbed one shot kill), and I can't work out how to get into Tazok's tent (swarming with low thaco bandits, like 50+ men vs my 6 man party). I don't have access to a fireball scroll yet, although I bought skull trap from Thalantyr. I've heard there is a fireball scroll in one of the huts in the camp (maybe I could stealth in). I only have one mage so I'm thinking I'll have to level up another one.

I'd really appreciate any help! : )

Which mod adds the portraits for Winthrop, Rielev, Gorion etc?

04 December 2010 - 06:39 PM

I'd really like to know, thanks!

Removing creature avatars and item randomizer question

02 December 2010 - 01:33 AM

Hi, I did the BiG World installation and was just wondering if it is at all possible to remove the avatar images of creatures e.g. Aataqah, Dryads, Rielev from Irenicus Dungeon. Another thing is the new NPCs - I've read that they can create bugs, anyway to delete them?

Lastly, I noticed that the Helm of Balduran wasn't present in the dungeon - is this moved because of the item randomizer or something? I don't really want that.

Thanks! :)

How do I turn off the creature avatar images from the Big World mod?

29 November 2010 - 11:43 PM

Hi :) I was just wondering how to disable them e.g. the picture of Rielev, Aataqah, Ettin, Dryads etc. I want the npc avatars still there, just not the new pictures. Thanks!

Oh, just thought of another question - the Helm of Balduran wasn't in Irenicus's dungeon as per usual... did the mod move it's location?