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Member Since 29 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 20 2017 06:21 PM

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In Topic: BWS install - Failed components

13 July 2017 - 01:31 AM

For the record you make the selection between the choices in the BWS screen, before the installation process, and it's a checkbox one.

In Topic: BWS install - Failed components

13 July 2017 - 01:26 AM

Select 1 or 2

User answer: "a"


Thanks, this probably is the error, i assume the dialog field asked for "a" or "b". Can't say without reinstalling the whole thing.

NO ! The dialog asks for 1 or 2, and it's given a... DAH. Dududutszzz...

the dialog iirc, asked for (s)kip, (q)uit or ®etry. The "a" was likely entered by the autoinstaller, that's why it failed for me and the guy above.

In Topic: BWS install - Failed components

13 July 2017 - 01:03 AM

Select 1 or 2

User answer: "a"


Thanks, this probably is the error, i assume the dialog field asked for "a" or "b". Can't say without reinstalling the whole thing.

In Topic: BWS install - Failed components

11 July 2017 - 11:21 PM

RE CDTweaks error. If you have checked the read me file it'll tell you what you need to do. Just open the TXT file and make your selections.

You mean this?



A handful of components will
otherwise pause WeiDU and wait for input; defining these values ahead of time in this 
file will instead use the values defined here instead of waiting on user input in the
middle of installation.
i mean this one above is an error, not user input waiting for a selection.

In Topic: BWS install - Failed components

11 July 2017 - 06:12 PM

Hi i have the same error installing Romance Cheats from cdtweaks 

Installing [Romance Cheats] [v1]
Remove racial requirements for romances? (Select 1 or 2)
ERROR: cannot convert romance_racial_requirements or %romance_racial_requirements% to an integer

SCS installed normally, i think the error Faenor has above, is due to bg2:ee v2.0 ( https://forums.beamd...-compability/p2 ). But like said i used BWS today, and it installed normally.