Mistress Elysia
Member Since 01 Nov 2003Offline Last Active Private
Profile Feed

Lava Del'Vortel → Mistress Elysia
Hope you will come back soon, my beloved puffy demoness :* :D

Eocine → Mistress Elysia
Hey Ely, really glad to see you around again! Oddly enough I checked here yesterday for the first time in ages and saw you were back! :p

Mistress Elysia → Silmarien
Sil Sil Sil Sil Sil Sil Sil Sil Lovely SIIIILL!! (Sung to the Monty Pythin 'Spam' tune, of course!)

Mistress Elysia → Kaeloree
*Big hugs* Thank you so much for your warm welcome back to SHS (but then again, you always were a total sweetie... :D) xx

Mistress Elysia → Scipio
Thank you for your lovely warm welcome back to SHS - I really appreciate it!

Yuwakusha → Mistress Elysia
Hello Mistress E! I wanted to congradulate you on Fade for BG2! Fabulous character and she is damn sexy. :)
Keep up your amazing work!
Love your drawings by the way. :D
Keep up your amazing work!
Love your drawings by the way. :D

Kellen → Mistress Elysia
Happy Birthday, Miss E! A wonderful modder and artist and rper, and here with us one more year!
Enjoy the day!
Enjoy the day!