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Member Since 11 Jan 2004
Offline Last Active Oct 17 2004 08:21 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Shapeshifters anew

10 October 2004 - 09:37 AM

I'm afraid to mention this ... heh heh ... recovering powergamer that I am.

The only Bioware script I use religiously is "paladin melee." For shits and giggles I turned Jaheira into a Shapeshifter and as usual made her my primary healer.

I assigned "paladin melee" for her script out of habit ... Imagine my surprise when the oversized dog started healing folks.

Bug or feature? Please tell me feature :-)


In Topic: Problems with the tornado spell with the druidicso

28 September 2004 - 04:18 PM

I'll second the tornado bug.

Really made me sad ... I really wanted to use that spell.

Some invisible creature appears that you can move around, stays around for a little bit, and then goes away. I was a little underwhelmed. :-)


In Topic: Uninstalling BP

28 September 2004 - 03:53 PM

personally, whenever i need to uninstall BP i uninstall BGII entirely and start again. each of the components come with uninstallers, AFAIK, but i find it simpler to start with a clean install.

Can't I just uninstall everything and then paste my chitin, dialog.tlk and override back in?


In Topic: Sorcerer Changes

18 September 2004 - 01:07 PM

This being a thread about the sorcerer, I want to say that I don't like too much that CHA bonus from Inner Focus, because it's just an aestethycal improvement. It does not matter at all for the class.  :P

Funny you mention this ... I've been thinking about the druidic sorcerer kit: a mod which would've made 4 awesome kits, but all that available to one char is crazy, plus I hate exp penalities.

The coolest thing about that kit, IMO, was how they reduced the intial number of spells a dr. sorc could cast, but balanced it by making charmisa work in the same manner as wisdom does for priests.

It makes sense to me that a sorc's abilities would rely on charisma, given the way they learn spells. It don't require much intelligence to wake up one day and go "hey, I can cast timestop!"

I'm new to the modding thing, but if I can figure out the Dr. Sorc's code I'd like to implement this minor-but-major change to sorcs.

Making it compabitle with refinements, of course. I just downloaded it and love the changes y'all made (well, heh heh, except for the sorcerer).

Thanks so much and VERY much looking forward to Shockwave!


In Topic: Journal Entries for PSM?

15 September 2004 - 08:47 PM

LOL That's a way to throw down the gauntlet, eh?

I haven't played through the mod in its entirety yet, but I'll give it a go and see what I can do. I'll be in touch.
