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Member Since 21 May 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 15 2022 07:25 PM

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In Topic: Expanded Thief Stronghold updated to v3.0.0 (EE compatible)

11 July 2022 - 10:34 PM



I suspect the culprit is the new AUTO_TRA command : before v249, it did not handle variables, which I used in this update to avoid overwriting tra file after converting them into UTF-8 for EE games. So using a previous WeiDU version is definitively not recommended.


The good news is that I won't spend time to release a fix. ;)

In Topic: Expanded Thief Stronghold updated to v3.0.0 (EE compatible)

11 July 2022 - 05:40 PM

Bad news... I installed the English version without any issue :


Attached File  gbthfkp.png   36.67K   172 downloads



The mod was downloaded here.


As far as I can see from your debug file, WeiDU can't read associated tra files when compiling dialog files. The only relevant clue is the WeiDU version number. Versions 248 and 249 releases came with a lot of new or improved features that I used in this update.

So, the only advice I can give you is:


- Delete this mod from your game folder

- Download it again (using the above link)

- Extract it in your game folder

- When installing, be sure WeiDU version is 249 (as displayed in the first row of my setup windows).


It should install fine.

In Topic: Expanded Thief Stronghold updated to v3.0.0 (EE compatible)

11 July 2022 - 10:23 AM



Back from a long break far away from my home and from modding.


Which version did you install? And where did you DL it?


1. There is something weird in your debug file : WeiDU v 24700. It should be WeiDU v 24900.


2. Before releasing this version, I installed it in a BGT installation in French, Russian and Italian. So I don't understand what's happening. I will try to reproduce this bug tonight and let you know how to fix it. ;)


And don't uncomment the tra file: these strrefs are deprecated.

In Topic: Expanded Thief Stronghold updated to v3.0.0 (EE compatible)

06 March 2022 - 11:45 AM

Yes I know...


I also don't like modifying content, and it is the very first time I do it, and I hope, the last time. :blush:


Unfortunately, as said in the change log section, it was impossible to resize the original portrait to EE size without pixelling. I searched through the web and did not find any pictures that might help me. So I decided to take the PPE ones, otherwise EE compatibility would have failed. But...


There is a legacy sub-folder in the mod top folder where I stored all original content I modified : old readme, wav files (I converted them to ogg format), unused scripts, the two components GB removed from his mod AND... the original portraits. If you play original BG2, copy them into your override folder. ;)

In Topic: Expanded Thief Stronghold updated to v3.0.0 (EE compatible)

03 March 2022 - 02:31 AM

A little up to be sure everybody can read it. ;)