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Member Since 12 Jun 2002
Offline Last Active Jul 24 2008 11:39 PM

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In Topic: Chaarna Question *Early game SPOILERS*

06 December 2007 - 06:05 AM

Many thanks for your explanations, guys ^_^

Keep up the good work :coolthumb:

In Topic: Chaarna Question *Early game SPOILERS*

06 December 2007 - 12:53 AM

Thank you :)

In Topic: Chaarna Question *Early game SPOILERS*

06 December 2007 - 12:02 AM

If memory serves, both options (Silver Princess and Sunless Citadel) should be fine for eventually romancing Chaarna. Just that Chaarna won't join you if you do the Sunless Citadel. I don't think the romance has even been written yet, but I could be wrong. Haven't had time to play with the latest patch installed.

I'm kind of partial to the NPCs found in the Silver Princess route, though.

Thanks for the quick answer :)

So I suppose I'll be able to meet Chaarna later in the game if I choose the Citadel. Is the "Silver Princess" thing still available after the Citadel?

In Topic: Chaarna Question *Early game SPOILERS*

05 December 2007 - 10:36 PM


I tried playing CA a few months ago but I didn't get enough time to get far in the game. Since I'm now a little less busy, I've reinstalled it (version 0.44).

What's already different is Chaarna (a NPC which was not in the previous version I played) asking you to come with her instead of doing the first main quest (well that's what I've understood). If I accept, can I still make that quest with her in the party or am I supposed to refuse her suggestion?
I intend to make a romance with Chaarna so I don't want to mess it up right from the beginning. ^_^


In Topic: Welcome to SHS!

12 December 2006 - 04:07 AM

Hi Miss E!
I was somewhat shocked when I entered CoM as well.
Fade was nowhere in sight!

Same here.... at first, I thought it was a bug in the forums but soon it became clear Fade had disappeared :blink:

Glad I check nearly everyday other BGII sites like SHS... :P

As for Fade, I've already restarted a game with her.... couldn't wait any longer :wub: