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Lord Khailen

Member Since 31 May 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 31 2018 09:05 PM

Topics I've Started

Crash on Rest anywhere

31 May 2011 - 03:08 PM

Searched and found similar but not the same problems and with no answers, so I thought I'd start a new topic.

I just completed the BiG World (Standard version - No Tactics) full installation on my windows 7 computer. I had all four games (BG+ToSC and BGII+ToB) patched properly before installation. This went smoothly with no problems other than not being able to download a couple mods. I started a game in Baldur's Gate 1, and just started chapter 2.

My problem is a CTD upon hitting the rest button. It doesn't seem to matter whether I sleep outside or in an inn, or where I am when I hit the rest button. It all reaches the same end result; crashing.
I have added into the baldur.ini (in both my baldur's gate 1 & 2 folders) the line "Logging On=1" (without quotation marks) directly under the [Program Options] line. Attached is the resulting baldur.err file, but for some reason, it just says "---------------------Start Logging Session------------------------------------------Start Logging Session------------------------------------------" over and over again. At the same time that the .err file is created, another file named "Baldur.txt" is created and it speaks a whole bunch of code that I don't understand.

Both files, as well as my dxdiag and Weidu log are attached, just in case. Attached File  Err-Txt-and-DxDiag.zip   8.32K   237 downloads Attached File  Weidu.log   39.78K   219 downloads

Please let me know if you need anything else or have any other questions and thanks for your time in looking into this problem of mine.