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Member Since 30 Aug 2002
Offline Last Active Jul 21 2004 10:51 AM

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In Topic: Was Irenicus aware of the dreams you were having?

08 September 2003 - 07:53 PM

So I guess they couldn't have noticed if Irenicus was creating a new spell or whatever.

A new spell ?

"Irenicus: Casts Wish"
"Genie:What do you wish"
"Irenicus: I wish to double the effects of 'Dream' "

He's a 30rd level mage , I mean, few things are beyond his magical spells and rituals .

You don't need the wish spell to create a new spell. It just costs alot of xp and gold (and free time in a roleplaying view).

In Topic: Was Irenicus aware of the dreams you were having?

25 August 2003 - 10:32 PM

"I think that would be the most likely, Irenicus was a powerful mage but not *that* powerful. "

AD&D Player's Handbook

"Dream" (8th level spell)
The mage can talk to a person through his/her dreams .

Yes , he *is* that powerful.

I am no D&D expert but this a excerpt:

"The communication is one-way; the recipient cannot ask questions or offer information, nor can the sender gain any information by observing the dreams of the recipient."

Obviously Irenicus and <CHARNAME> talk to each other in the dream sequences...

I'm not sure but I believe if a mage is a high enough level he can create or modify a prexisting spell. So it is possible that Irenicus could have changed the dream spell so he and the pc could have a conversation or just used his power to make his own spell. But then again when the pc has these dreams while Irenicus is locked up in Spellhold. But the scene where Irenicus escaps it seems he wasn't heavily guarded. The two wizards we see didn't think much about any of the prisoners (exept Imoen) and were completly caught off guard by Irenicus. So I guess they couldn't have noticed if Irenicus was creating a new spell or whatever.

BTW, did anyone find it real obvious that the wizard/tour guide you meet when you enter spellhold was Irenicus? I thought it was really stupid you couldn't acusse him outright that he was really Irenicus (although the prissoners were really interesting).

In Topic: Screenshots

30 October 2002 - 03:21 PM

i Can't view your pics damn it!! I hate AOL sometimes, they have some really bad probs sometimes.

                    AOL is the devil! BTW I like the new Beholder lair :D .

In Topic: Screenshots

30 October 2002 - 03:21 PM

i Can't view your pics damn it!! I hate AOL sometimes, they have some really bad probs sometimes.

                    AOL is the devil! BTW I like the new Beholder lair :D .

In Topic: Tester Rolecall

09 October 2002 - 03:34 PM

Gah! I most likely wont be testing the mod untill the weekened because I had to wipe out my hard drive (long story):(. So I need to get that fixed untill I can try the mod.... <_< Sorry!