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Member Since 27 Aug 2004
Offline Last Active Feb 01 2005 06:37 AM

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In Topic: Clueless Again

21 November 2004 - 02:20 AM

Despite changing the code ( in regards to "both" Who Shall Not Yadda Yadda posts) to...

 == SK#NEHTJ IF ~InParty("SK#Neht")~ THEN
 ~Hm... 'watch thy friends and watch thy death'....~
 ++~Don't tell me you're going to repeat all of what the rogue said, this is a bad time for you to lose control over yourself.~+ crazyrogue1
 ++~Did the rogue's words have any special meaning to you?~+ crazyrogue2
 ++~It's just the ramblings of a madman, we can't waste time on this.~+ crazyrogue3

If add the reply option AFTER the END, then it should be ok! So it should look like this:
 == SK#NEHTJ IF ~InParty("SK#Neht")~ THEN
 ~Hm... 'watch thy friends and watch thy death'....~
 ++~Don't tell me you're going to repeat all of what the rogue said, this is a bad time for you to lose control over yourself.~+ crazyrogue1
 ++~Did the rogue's words have any special meaning to you?~+ crazyrogue2
 ++~It's just the ramblings of a madman, we can't waste time on this.~+ crazyrogue3

Hope this helps you!

In Topic: Interjection Rejection

03 October 2004 - 01:14 PM

What exactly doesn't work?
Does the interjection happen and your NPC says only the "My <LADYLORD> ...." part and then exits the dialog? Or is the interjection not working at all?

If the first happens, then I have no idea, sorry! (aside from: spelling-mistakes of the dialogfiles and/or the DeathVariable)

If it is the second, then it might be that you used the Global that controlls if the interjection happens or not (in your example neht_co) somewhere else and it is set to 1 or higher! (As far as I know Weidu translates this to a
IF ~Global("neht_co", "GLOBAL", 0)~ THEN ...
and then sets it to 1 after the interjection!)
If not, then you might have used the trigger "IsValidForPartyDialog" and that might return false if your NPC is behind a wall (or sometimes it evaluates to false for no reason, or at least no obvious reason for me), or if you only used "InParty" then it might be that your NPC is unable to speak (sleeping! etc...).

I hope that helps a bit to narrow down the error, but other than this I honestly have no idea! Sorry!

In Topic: Interjection Rejection

02 October 2004 - 04:59 AM

I think the problem you are having is that I_C_T does only accept a string, not an EXTERN, so you would have to use an INTERJECT and when your NPC said his last line you use a COPY_TRANS.

Something like this should work:
INTERJECT RIFTG03 25 neht_co
== SK#NEHTJ IF ~InParty("SK#Neht")
!StateCheck("SK#Neht",STATE_SLEEPING)~ THEN ~My <LADYLORD> ....~


// ....  won't copy all the text here, only the important parts!

 SAY ~Then let us begin. (He bows.)~

 SAY ~I... see. If thou ever do need me, then I shall be at the graveyard. There is little I can do here on my own besides dying, I doubt I possess the strength to defeat the Eyeless single-handedly.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("SK#KickedOut","LOCALS",1)
EscapeAreaMove("AR0800",1644,1407,0) ~  COPY_TRANS RIFTG03 25

So instead the EXIT (which would terminate the dialog, but since you want the Avatar to continue speaking, dont use it!) you make a COPY_TRANS RIFTG03 25.

Oh and on a side note, use a second END to close the APPEND! (but then again can be a copy&paste error, so ignore it if it is.)

EDIT: I forgot to add, that by doing it this way, the EscapeAreaMove might not work (I think it's because it is inside an dialog and not at the end of one), but I might be wrong about that. Test it, if it doesn't work, then use the following workaround: Set a Global and add a trigger inside the NPCs script that runs when this global is set, and use the EscapeAreaMove inside the script, but don't forget to reset that global (or it might come down to script-repeating problems!).

In Topic: Good script writer needed.

19 September 2004 - 11:47 AM

Maybe I will tone the sword down a littel, I just get so tired of seeing "Weapon has no effect" "Target resistant to magic" everytime something is hit.

The first message appears because your weapon has too little +dmg for the monster because it is either naturally immune or has casted "Protection from magical weapons" or the likes. It has nothing to do with the percentages of certain effects to activate.
The second appears because the monster has a natural "Magic resistance" which can be lowered using the spell "Lower Magic resistance", but has nothing to do with the ability to save from an effect. Even if the monster can't save from the effect it will most likely NOT affect it because of the resistance.

I hope I cleared it up a little.

EDIT: A few typos :unsure:   :rolleyes: .

In Topic: Good script writer needed.

17 September 2004 - 05:40 PM

Whats so difficult??????

I thought one had to do a lot of scripting plus make up the new area and everything.

Of course, I may be wrong, I don't know much yet though I am learning. :)

The sword... Well, it might be a little overpowered, I could stand to lose the +1 thing I guess, but the horrify is for the Demoralizing aspect of the situation on the characters getting whacked (Imagine, even if you survive the experience, you're a slime forever) and I like the idea of polimorph.

Still, yes, it MIGHT be a little strong. How can I tone it back without ruining the effect?

ISN'T making Umberhulks and such in a room tough? I don't know about area making/editing.

Clueless Minotaur

As for the sword, I also think it is a little overpowered, but not because of the effects, but because of the percentages:
20% + 50% + 25% = 95% wich means, only 5 hits out of 100 would NOT execute an effect. Most of the weapons I can remeber from the top of my head only have an overall chance of around 20% - 30%. Tune them down a bit abd the sword looks okay (at least in my opinion). Maybe make the polymorphs temporary or dispellable, and the percentages like 10%, 5% and 5%, but it is only an suggestion.

As far as the changing of maps and adding creatures goes, it is generally easy, if you know how to. Basically it is adding a block to an existing area-script, where the creatures are created, when certain requirements are met, for example if your NPC is in the party. If you want to completly ADD a new room (for example a new exit, or a new side-room) that was NOT there before, it is a lot more work, so I suggest, you just add a group of Umberhulks (2 seems a little too few) to an already existing spot on the map.

If you like, I could help you with either one. I'll look into the item after the weekend, if that is okay with you. Just drop me an PM.