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Member Since 29 Sep 2004
Offline Last Active May 05 2013 09:40 AM

Topics I've Started

Fade beginning Romance

17 December 2011 - 11:47 AM

Hello there,

I have a big problem. I start a new party game for playing Fade, I took few time to get 15000 gold and I went to see Aran. So I recruit Fade and when we exited the guild nothing happen.
I slept but nothing again, I don't remeber that I need to speak with her to have some dialogs. If i do that, I don't have all options dialogs and Fade never speak with me later.

What can i do?

Here my weidu :

thanks for all

Question about Romance

28 November 2011 - 03:51 AM


I become paranoiac with PJ's romance, so I want to know if I didn't anything wrong.

Spoil :

My lovetalk is number 31 and Fade was kidnapped by Mallon. Si I went to the temple district to rescue her and after I went in the five flagons inn. I had the treatment lovetalk, very pretty indeed, but after a long time in game Fade didn't say anything.
I had no flirt too, but I can understand this.

My romance variable is 1 and LT 31.