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Member Since 29 Nov 2004
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In Topic: N00bish Question

11 November 2005 - 11:14 AM

Luckily I have that one.

/me runs off to steal code, and credit.

**Edit** This post was made by MTS, who just woke up and did not realise he was signed in as the one who is stil asleep.

In Topic: Previews of the BGEP and the BG1 Projects

07 November 2005 - 09:35 PM

Cernd's hair is all blurry and stuff, though. And he has a weird ghost-hair-blob on the left side of his neck. Or... the right side. Our left.

Aerie's funky fur coat is pretty cool in its ridiculousness.

I think her coat if vera vera gothy! I would so wear one if I could sew it. As far as Cernd is concerned, I realized there are some flaws but I am still REALLY new at this. I've done like four pictures. And I in defence of the blurriness, I think it adds a softness to his hard, masculine features...just me though. Also my little mistakes were less noticeable with the blurry, but if you want I can see if MTS will post one that is not as blurry, but which one?
Thanks for the input.

In Topic: Previews of the BGEP and the BG1 Projects

07 November 2005 - 02:48 PM

More previews! :D

It should be noted that these are 100% more of SS's fabulous work. I did nothign on these (other then upload and post them).

Black Hair Cernd

Posted Image

Red hair Cernd

Posted Image

She is flying though the NPC edits. She has multipule of each one. Choices are always a good thing.

Cernd est ainsi sexy sacré.
I am so pleased with the way these came out. And I am afraid that my quality is lacking so any advice to add to my work is welcome, as long as it's nicely worded.. :wub: :wub: :wub:

In Topic: BG1/TuTu/BGT Version?

06 November 2005 - 04:42 PM

Firstly, Congratulations MTS on your forum and getting this project up and running. Damn fine work.

Secondly, If I want to play BG with a black lipstick wearing Minsc, give me one good reason why I shouldn't? I'm not going to force people to sit and watch my screen. I'm not going to force people to play their game with Minsc that way. I have the right to choose which NPC portraits sit in my Override folder, as people do you all. I'll repect your right to play the game as you see fit, how about having the decency to respect the right of other people to do so to!

MTS, SinisterSister et al, keep up the good work. I for one look forward to having a few more choices in my Portrait Collection. :new_thumbs:

Thanks! I do appreciate the encouragement. I got into this when I heard MTS saying he was working on the Goth mod, so I got excited. I hope that I can live up to the standard expected here.

Bloody Kisses,

In Topic: Split from the BGT/TuTu/BG1 Thread

06 November 2005 - 04:16 PM

Listen I have tried to be polite to you. I have tried to reason with you. I have tried to ignore you, but I will simply say that for most of the people I have seen on this whole "freaking" community, they embrace it as a passion, but you have "wandered" into obsession. I understand that you need something to hang onto but realize that attacking me is not how you control your world. I am a big girl and I can see there are more opinions than there are members of this community. However, I do not think that coming onto a "goth" forum and objecting to it being goth at all it meritable. Then to say that I am killing the character because I gave him black lipstick...whoopeedeedo! I tried to explain nicely that I did that because I can..(since the whole forum community is based on change) but you freaked out on me. I am trying to remain polite because I don't want to make MTS into a whipping boy about this topic. I am being civil and you attack me. Fine! Understand this... I will never respond to a post by you again once this is said. You are not in control. The world is a great big place and if you cannot accept the difference of opinions represented here, maybe you shouldn't be here. I understand and accept that this forum was about the poll "to goth or not to goth", but after I defended myself I seem to have made it into a social degradation board. For this reason I will say again and again..this place, your twisted Kivan romance, all of it is based on the principle that changing what you want to change about the GAME is acceptable.
DEAL with it.

Bloody Kisses,