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Member Since 31 Dec 2004
Offline Last Active Nov 18 2011 07:34 PM

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In Topic: BG2 Install Order issues

15 November 2011 - 03:26 PM


Well, are you sure the install was clean before you started ? As in, did you start from the beginning by installing the game ? And did you start a new game after installing all the mods. As the game texts will be referenced wrongly if you don't.

Yes, I was referring to the "stunning Tutu run" ...

I had installed the mods in that order years ago, when I first got this computer, but never tested them. The game where I noticed the bad behavior I just started about a week ago, hence why I was wondering if it was possible for a modded game of BG to become corrupted and behave in this fashion.

In Topic: BG2 Install Order issues

14 November 2011 - 03:33 PM

So of my six mods: Oversight, Unfinished Business, Flirt Pack, Tweak Pack, 1PP, and TutuGui, what order do I install them in? Are there components here conflicting with each other, and if so, which? Could the unneeded presence of the Solaufein conflicts in the flirt pack be somehow responsible for it?

The Oversight is really the biggest worse problem you can install to your game... it's not installed in any of the stable BiG World Project compilations as it's flagged as Expert mod, as it probably overwrites... like a lot.
So try to do without it, or install it first.

What does the Tutu install have to do with the subject ?

Thanks for the reply!

Oversight is one of those mods I consider essential. It corrects a lot of idiosyncracies in BG2 that aren't glaring but still give little tics when they're encountered: clearly evil NPCs that are aligned good and vice versa (sans Melissan ofc, where this is intentional), soundsets given in error, as well as improves some of the gimped spells in BG2. It has a tougher Sendai component but I've left that out. I think the NPC component is obviously where things could go the most wrong, but, the problems I identified in my BG2 game thus far are clearly due to another mod and with items, neither of which Oversight seems to affect.

And do you mean TutuGui? It changes Baldurs Gate II's gui to resemble Baldur's Gate I's; down to the menus, chapter interludes, etc. It's very highly polished. If you mean the "stunning Tutu run" I was referring to in the opening, it was just a bit of context; I keep Tutu and BG2 installs separate and independent of each other, seeing as I have enough trouble trying to deal with them on their own before trying to weld them together.

EDIT: Oops, just realized I misidentified my prime suspect in the OP. I meant UB, not Oversight

And now that it's back up, I reposted this over at G3 as a lot of my mods are from there, too. If they can figure something out I'll repost it here.