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Member Since 20 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 09 2021 09:08 PM

Topics I've Started

I have some questions about ISRA mod.

19 July 2017 - 04:10 AM

Good morning.
I have some questions about ISRA mod.
I look forward to your answers.
1. Do I need to install both Isra v2.1 and Isra BG2 (PC) v2 to play ISRA mod in BGT? Or can I install only one of them?
2. I would like to translate the dialogs of Isra v2.1 and Isra BG2 (PC) v2 into my native language. I plan to translate the ISRA mod for use for BGT, and I want to know exactly which path the files should be translated.

I still have not fixed a bug in Watcer's Keep. I ask for help agai

18 December 2016 - 12:03 PM

I have another question about the question I once had.
I posted the linked question above.
In response to the above linked question, Lolfixer replied that it caused a script error, so I excluded Lolfixer when installing BGT.
But the bug was still not fixed.
It is solved by putting the file "ar3000.bcs" uploaded by the user <agb1> into the override folder, but I want to know exactly what caused it.
Attach my WEIDU.LOG file installed this time.
I would like to answer a lot of users.



I am looking for a solution due to a bug in Watcer's Keep.

30 November 2016 - 05:19 PM

I ask questions again because the questions I had before were not logical.
I found a bug while playing BGT1.18 and asked to contact me here.
I started BGT and moved to <Watcer's Keep (AR 3000)>, then saved and loaded.
Then the message "Vigil Knight's Ghost gave me the scroll" will update the game's journals and cause a bug where I will gain experience.
I have just arrived at Watcer's Keep and did not do any quests.
I go to Watcer's Keep with the characters I created in BGT-BG1, save and load, and the same symptoms happen.
I'd appreciate it if you could tell me how to fix this.
Attach my WEIDU.LOG file.
Please answer.


I went from BGT-BG1 to BG2, and when I stop and watch it, I load it up

27 November 2016 - 09:58 AM

I went from BGT-BG1 to BG2, and when I stop and watch it, I load it up again and the journal is updated and level up.
I think that the specter of the Bijin Knight gave the scroll, and I do not know what is wrong with getting the experience as the journal is updated.
If you know the solution, please answer it.
I attach my WEIDU.LOG file.
Help me.