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Member Since 26 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 02 2013 01:26 PM

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In Topic: feedback on 4.01

05 April 2013 - 09:47 PM

No, no problem...but I did install that component so..

I'll look into it when I have the opportunity. Maybe the compatibility with SCS has slipped.

I think u misunderstud me....I just haven't seen one in game, given that BG1 isn't loaded with demons. It installed correctly. (I read mod readme's). I simply can't say if they are balanced for my game since I haven't fought them (yet!).

In Topic: feedback on 4.01

05 April 2013 - 09:02 AM

The thing (about PnP) is basically - BG2 is far away from true PnP RPG. I really like how you enhanced some (previously really pathetic) creatures like Undead. However, PnP Elementals are something else. But even in true PnP world, you'd have limitations on them - as Avenger said, only Cyric Priests could summon Aerial Servants. Perhaps moving the spell to lvl 7, to compete with Greater Restoration, Regeneration and the like? Still don't know how to handle Druids, however, given their broken EXP table and how fast they gain lvl6 spells..
Anyway, as I said, love the mod.
A quick question if I may - is there a chance that you would be inplementing "PnP kits for BG"? I know there's a project on G3 but it does seem to have stoped.

In Topic: feedback on 4.01

05 April 2013 - 08:49 AM

PnP Fiends
Haven't met one yet, I'm afraid. :ermm:

Should you have? As in, was there something to make you think there's a problem with the component? 

No, no problem...but I did install that component so..

In Topic: TotDG: Opinions

04 April 2013 - 11:40 AM

Hello. A bit of feedback on this (the least I could do after playing it 10+ times).

Love it. Bit depressing, but a huge (and welcome) change from BG2 vanilla quests. NPC reactions was just icing on the cake. Your writing (even if I have different preferences/likings) is very unique - I think I could recognize a Colours of Infinity mod even if I didn't know that it was a CoI mod beforehand.

The part where you choose one colour to give a permanent blessing is awsome, don't know what all of them do but who cares - I just picked something my Character would take - Asassin - black, Berserker - red etc.

Suggestion - make some more such mods!

And congrats on those already released!

In Topic: BPv181 alpha: testers needed

04 April 2013 - 10:56 AM

Hi. I'd be glad to test alpha version and report (on a daily basis). I already played version 180 on a Mega-Mod install. Would it be a problem if I tested this on a clean  BG2-ToB install?
