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Member Since 05 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 06 2012 07:51 AM

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In Topic: EasyTutu 1PP 22.05khz - 44.01khz Mod

05 July 2012 - 08:54 AM

Install it at the very end, after all music-adding mods.

Thanks man.

I've done something wrong along the way. Music in game, slowed now. I've read this happened to somebody and I'm trying to find it so I can see what caused it. Any ideas? I don't think it has anything to do with this mod, I haven't installed it, just unpacked it. It was fine before.

Don't worry fixed now bro!

In Topic: EasyTutu Megamod Installation BP-BGT 9.0.1

05 July 2012 - 12:40 AM

It's me Bob. I just made an account! :new_thumbs:

I should add, I'm almost certain Dark Horizons doesn't require the World Map. That's why it didn't ruin it. I'm also sure that DSotSC requires NTotSC.

EDIT: Are you meant to install all the quest mods, then install the world map at the end of your list?