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Black Wizard

Member Since 04 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 21 2012 01:26 PM

Topics I've Started

Is it possible possible to do this?

19 December 2012 - 07:23 AM

Hi, I'm a relative newcomer to the IE modding scene, I've been practicing making simple mods for the last few days, but there's something I'm curious about: is it possible to change your character's starting level in BG2?

I mean I know the game puts you at the level your chosen class is at 89000, but I was wondering if there was way to alter that and make it so you start at a lower level.

Thanks in advance! :)

Getting started in the modding scene

04 December 2012 - 01:08 PM

Hi, I'm a long time fan of the Baldur's Gate series and now I'm trying to get into the modding scene. I've downloaded and installed DLTCEP but the problem is there are very few tutorials on how to use it.

My ultimate goal is to make a sort of total conversion mod for SoA, where the player will play through my own original campaign, but I know that might be an overly-ambitious goal to start with.

I would like the people who read this thread to direct me to whatever tutorials may help get started and any other tools besides DLTCEP that I might need.

Thank you in advance! :)