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Member Since 16 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 22 2012 03:26 AM

Topics I've Started

Wild Mage changes to Mage

16 December 2012 - 10:45 PM

Right after I exit character creation and try to do something my character's class changes from Wild Mage to Mage. I've tried getting rid of the Dual Class changes I've read about in other topics but that hasn't worked. The other changes I saw proposed were getting rid of the Blademaster kit. I am very new to this and I don't know how to remove a component like this from my installation.

I also can not select any proficency slots at character creation, it lists me as having 0 skill points.

I am using BWS to mod my game. I've tried numerous times to get rid of this bug but nothings worked.

Is this fixable or should I just do save editing with Shadow Keeper?