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Member Since 28 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 20 2013 09:55 AM

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In Topic: wedding ceremony-cutscene bug

07 August 2013 - 03:37 AM

as mentioned in the other thread, I'll either try to skip/replace it in the current game or give it a try in a clean BG2 installation somehow. (once I have more spare time, as I wasted already quite a bit and cheating ain't an option and I'd rather replay it again 10-20times if I get it working somehow)


The other trigger/globals are all fine and the proposal in hell was also triggered. Compared several variable checks with either your files and several comments, and all were properly set and done (including witness/Dayven after prison-break)


My guess is the original tactics version, which really messed up tons of trigger/cutscenes and SCS overhauled that version only. SInce I managed to get the Ellesime's conversation after beating Irenicus only once after like 12~ tries and only with all party member alive, but it still went into an endless-loop after Kyone awakened.

In Topic: a minor conclusion (re-edit^^)

07 August 2013 - 03:28 AM

Hmm, if the script-change from a level18 wiz was used but the original critter is 30, that'd explain a lot of things. And I went thru all backup ressources of Z#18 but didn't check the explicit scripts in all cases. Since BG2 and/or SCS let mages only cast spells, that they also have memorized, the Gate/Time-Stop stuff 'd typically never have happened, but since SCS upgrades the mages properly ... and so on.


Though I still get the RING95.ITM for any ressource-file as well, but since my game is slightly/heavily modded, I have no means to check, how your version suddenly have this specific item in all files, but if I get your message right, they shouldn't have that item at all. And even reading out your source files in NI&DLTCEP gives always ring95...


But in both cases, my frustration in "some" fights is now explainable as both creature gave me a very damn hard time. I speeded things up in the last chapter, but still had to fight off 5 or 6 of those mage-based encounter, but with pre-emptive quicksave/quickload/sphere of chaos spam they were more or less doable, if the confusion or whatever did affected the mage right away.

Once she had their prot/divination & imp invisibility & other protections up and running it was highly unlikely to beat that encounter. (even with the SCS component to target invis. enemies with stripping spells, cause she moved quite a lot so they never hit at their given 5' radius)


The rogue was easy to fix, since I just replaced the ring, but it took me quite some tries to figure out what went wrong.

It still reminded me at the Fallen Bladesinger ambush from IWD2 in HoF, very similar nastiness!


On the upside, your mod+SCSII gave me a true difficult-level increase. I think I used a decent repertoire of swearing @game/monitor *whistle*


Since I help for another NPC, I'll have a clean BG2 version up & running and I can prolly further check the marriage stuff. Since tactics, which SCSII/hell is based upon messed up tons of cutscenes trigger in that encounter anyway. SO maybe it is at fault as well...but as long as I can enjoy it I don't mind viewing it in another version, as the other triggers/romance progression worked as intended.

In Topic: a minor conclusion (re-edit^^)

06 August 2013 - 06:28 AM

I'll check again as well in other tools, once I have a bit more spare time. That kinda puzzled me too and I can't imagine SCS changes the level of an override critter.

In Topic: [help wanted] betatester

05 August 2013 - 02:16 PM

If am allowed to ask a couple o' questions:

-what kind of NPC is it

-would it be legitimate to use the mod_ skip the boring irenicus_dungeon, which you have seen for at least 10000000 times?

-since I plan a new fast BGEE run to get a new imported char cause I friggin love SoA, would SCSII be an option for your mod or not?


If specially the last thing wont be problem, am quite interested to hear more details :>

I guess I'd limit it to dungeon-be-gone and SCSII only for my only mods.


If that'd be no problem at all, feel free to drop me a message...siince I just started playing IWD out of..hmm just cause ToB is boring ^^ (or drop me a message at all :P)

In Topic: [New(German)] [Proofreading] A kit description in German

05 August 2013 - 01:26 PM

Better late than never, here is the German version of the Silver Fur of Selûne kit description. :)






THat's the majority of corrections I found fitting so far...need only to cross-reference the first sentence, since it doesn't feel/sound right..kinda. There ain't no literal translation for Maid, and I'd need to read the proper context to get a grip of the whole meaning instead.


Else the translation 'd be fine now, despite the 1st sentence. (and that includes punctiation marks as well, since am pretty good in that crap ^^)

Will check tomorrow for a proper reference in English, since it'd make more sense to me, what the real meaning behind that spell is (cause German translations often just sucks *sorry*)


edit: just in case; added/removed mostly comma and re-formulated a few words or changed the meaning of it. Else it was already pretty good, hence the first sentence :>


edit/edit: Hmm, nay I'd leave it the way it is now and makes more sense.

What do the guys in http://baldurs-gate.eu say about proof-reading, since you also posted there and I just took a quick peek in their board.