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Member Since 17 Jul 2013
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In Topic: BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

07 August 2015 - 04:32 AM

Problem with IWD:EE NPC mod alternative class selection: you can't choose any of the new kits introduced by EE. For example there should be an option to make Korin an archer.

In Topic: Thalantyr Item Upgrade updated (again)

03 April 2015 - 11:05 AM

And every other mod except this works.

The thing is, this mod works for everyone except you. There is something you missed.


Not much to miss especially when you use BWS. And when I said the containers have wrong names I actually meant to say that they have wrong names when you have opened them. Here are some screenshots:0gP83tY.png


In Topic: Thalantyr Item Upgrade updated (again)

03 April 2015 - 06:49 AM

Well, then maybe weidu is blocked by AV or windows UAC ?


I doubt that because other mods seem to be working just fine.

If it sets the dialog.tlk to read_only -state, then it can very much do so.


But it should cause problems with other mods as well. And every other mod except this works.

In Topic: Thalantyr Item Upgrade updated (again)

03 April 2015 - 05:46 AM

Well, then maybe weidu is blocked by AV or windows UAC ?


I doubt that because other mods seem to be working just fine.

In Topic: Thalantyr Item Upgrade updated (again)

03 April 2015 - 05:19 AM

I reinstalled the game, verified game cache just in case, then installed version 4.2 (so this is the only mod I have installed) and the container names are still missing. Like I said before my game is in English and I installed the English version of this mod.

So after validating the game cache, when you started the game, you see the "v1.x.y" on the very first screen, what were the x and y ?

You then go to the options screen "select the language". It should be defaulted to English.


Version is 1.3.2053 and language is English.