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Member Since 21 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 16 2014 07:57 PM

Topics I've Started

The Amulet: A Quest and Companion Mod

26 December 2013 - 01:24 PM

After much thinking I have decided to make a mod for BG2. Now as a complete yet determined newcomer to modding I'm sure I will have plenty of questions and problems. So I'm going to outline my ideas and plans here in hopes that others will see and possibly leave feedback or advice. Anyway here we go.....



Here is a bit of details on the story I want to tell with this mod....



The Amulet


After finding an old book for sale at one of the market stalls in Athkatla the child of Bhaal embarks on a quest to find a powerful amulet detailed in the book. The amulet when worn is said to offer great power and protection from death itself though how it does this is left a mystery at first. After tracking down the amulet the protagonist is faced with a tough choice. Sell it or keep it. Even a good person would be tempted to keep such an artifact if only to prevent it's misuse. All the same it can be sold to a noble collector in Athkatla but the real story begins if it is kept and worn.....



The Voice Within


The first night with the amulet around your neck is a strange one...a feeling that you are being watched slowly grows till a soft whisper is heard in your ear. None of your companions are around you and yet you are certain you heard something. A man's voice soft and soothing and yet something feels...wrong. You fall into a fitful sleep only to dream not of Irenicus but of a powerful archdemon wearing the amulet that you have just found. He speaks to you telling you that he will protect you in exchange for your loyalty to him and him alone....




The demon in the amulet is called Braxas. He is trapped inside, quite bored and maybe a little bit insane. He enjoys having control and after having so little of it has become determined to claim and control the next holder of his prison which just happens to be you. No one else can see him or hear him so some may start to think the protagonist is bit mad as a result. He will speak to you asking for favors or giving advice or comments and will slowly become attached to the protagonist wanting to ensure his/her success as well as his own.  


A Demon's Love


Depending on your interaction with Braxas it may become possible for him to take on a physical form that only the Bhaalspawn can see or touch. A romance of sorts blooms and he becomes even more controlling and his power grows to the point where he can use his magic to aid the player. He will try to sabotage any other love interests the protagonist may have and will try to corrupt good players. He claims to have the players best interest at heart and can be very convincing at times but he remains evil all the same.


Hunted or Saved


If you become to close to the demon then people will slowly start to notice that you talk to yourself and see things that are not there. A paladin will come hunting for you. This man with his ability to see spirits and banish them will recognize that you are speaking to a demon and if you refuse his attempts to 'save' you which involves him joining the party and trying to destroy the amulet without killing you he will leave and plot your downfall which will lead to several battles in the future.



The basics of what I am trying to do are as follows....


* Create the amulet and the quest to find it...


* Make the Amulet conversible and give it random banters, interjections and event triggered conversation.


* Write several paths.,A Good path. An Evil path. A Romance path for both those branches. And a path to Destroy the amulet which may lead to another companion and a possible romance with a paladin once the original paths are done.



Thats the basics of my idea and I'm working on the 'how to make it work' part as we speak. More details to come later....