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Member Since 25 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 06 2018 05:13 AM

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In Topic: HD GUI

05 June 2018 - 11:39 PM

First of all, thank you SO much for this! I am one of those players who vastly prefers the look and feel of vanilla BG and have, for years now, been looking for a resolution solution that doesn't result in blurry scaling or other issues. This looks to be it. Thank you! It was very cool to find out that there are still creators out there who are passionate about vanilla BG.


2nd, in the readme you mention that some known issues are caused by unknown offset values. They seem like minor issues but it seems you are open to fixing them if the offset values could somehow be found. If I'd want to help out, how would I go about finding these offset values? I imagine it might be more complicated for centering the camera during dialogue than it would be for the loading screens...


3rd, how easy would it be to adept this mod for other resolutions? Maybe you could share which tools you used to create the mod?