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Member Since 01 Mar 2014
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In Topic: Possible major revision

01 March 2014 - 08:12 PM

Guest from before (finally registered, because that Captcha is a pain in the ass.)


I think it's nice to be able to experience romance content while the game is in progress. Valerie was the same in BG1, where her "romance" content (if you can call it that) was at the very end. Doing the same with the next two chapters might be a bit of a let-down if you were expecting to finally get into that part of her character.


And I believe the character arcs should be mostly complete (sans some extra flavour dialogue perhaps) a bit before the game ends, because they're not the main focus of the story. And you won't have time to enjoy the fruits of your dialogue-selection labour if there's no time to run around slaying liches with Charname's newly-minted significant other... or other types of events either, like Aerie and her baby for instance. That's your choice however; if you think you can make it interesting enough, and add enough variety to not have that kind of arc, you might as well go for it.


Finally, I wouldn't worry too much about writing too appropriately, because there are no real stakes. As long as you don't write it as some crack romance fanfic, whatever voice you have in mind for a character will work just fine. Doesn't have to be perfect.


Just giving my individual feedback, I definitely don't want to dissuade you from taking your own path with your mod. I'm sure it'll be enjoyable either way.