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Member Since 10 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 09 2014 05:23 PM

Topics I've Started

[ASK] Change Companions Class to Custom Kit?

14 November 2014 - 09:57 PM

[ASK] Change Companions Class to Custom Kit?


I usually use Shadowkeeper to change companions class in the middle of the game.


But custom Kit, like Arcane Archer and Bladesinger, doesn't appear in the list in the Shadowkeeper.


Does someone know how to do it?

[ASK] Custom Companions complete Banter+Romance from BG1 to BG2ToB (BG

10 November 2014 - 11:17 PM

Can someone recommend me:


A list of companions that available from the start in BG1 and continued their story (banter) to the end of BG2 ToB?


As well as Romance-able.


For the BGT (no need for BGEE and BG2EE)



Thanks. :new_thumbs: