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Member Since 25 Feb 2005
Offline Last Active Jun 20 2005 03:23 PM

Topics I've Started

Any ETA on version 11?

18 April 2005 - 12:34 PM

hmm, its gone silent here lately.
Any idea when version 11 will be out, would like to find the spider queen and see the new stuff under mulrok and the new traps.

V9 bugs

29 March 2005 - 11:57 AM

In the valley of Darkness:
The Guard Captain Nawieng offers to sell you stuff then says "I am sorry, but there is no store available"
The west exit trigger that ( I think goes to south brosna ) did not work.

In Benzor River Valley - Goblin Caves:
The is a Carian Scavenger that use to be non hostile and would go around and eat the dead rats, he is how hostile and is dropping some creature weapons.
The north exit trigger does not work, but I dont think it ever did.

I have been told the the party portals dont work, I did try one but it was after many beers, it did not work but I might have been the party leader :)
NEVERMIND party portals work just fine!

I got the message:
Hey the bastard Script has made it this far hoo fin rah!

Thanks for all you hard work!

Has anyone got V8 to generate the cnr tables?

16 March 2005 - 09:40 PM

I cant get version 8 to create all the tables, It makes some of the tables but nwnx_odbc.txt says:

4 like this:
o Got request: INSERT INTO bbs_boards (name,pageSize,maxItems,boardId) VALUES ('BBS','5','25','1')
! SQL Error: Table 'nwn.bbs_boards' doesn't exist

About 200+ like this one:
o Got request: SELECT val FROM cnr_misc WHERE player='~' AND tag='NordockCEPPRCPlagued' AND name='CnrRecipeRunFirstTime'
! SQL Error: Table 'nwn.cnr_misc' doesn't exist

About 20+ like this:
o Got request: SELECT merchant FROM cmd_misc WHERE merchant='' AND sVarName='vendor_deb_IsPersistent'
! SQL Error: Unknown column 'merchant' in 'field list'

I poked about in the toolset for about 2 hours looking for where cnr_misc get created but could not find it. I guess maybe it too much module for my poor old duel p3 600 server :(
