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Member Since 24 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active Aug 02 2016 09:28 AM

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In Topic: BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

02 August 2016 - 09:30 AM

Hey guys/gals... should I go for the new update to BG 2: EE and do a fresh BWS install or should I just stay on m old modded game that runs really well?
My advice is always, even though you know the process now, you might want to make a backup of the game you currently have, and that's easy to do, just make an .zip/.7z/.rar archive from it and that's all you'll really need. Yes, it goes without saying that that's going to take almost equivalent space amount to back it up, but it's there to avoid complete ruin in case something goes off the shitstorm.

Thanks, I was thinking of backing it up as well, because this is my first flawless setup from a ton (and I literally mean a ton) of failed setups and multiple errors, I'll try the new BWS with the new update!

In Topic: BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

01 August 2016 - 08:10 AM

Hey guys/gals, long time no see, I have a really good install from about 4 months ago and it works really well, so well that I skipped the new update to not ruin it, should I go for he new update to BG 2: EE and do a fresh BWS install or should I just stay on m old modded game that runs really well?


Also,can anyone tell me what's new in BWS, if anyone is willing, of course.

In Topic: BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

31 January 2016 - 09:04 AM

Why does Standardize Shapeshifting from Klatu's Tweaks & Fixes never gets installed in my game? Here is the error, I always skip it, if someone can help me solve this error, I'd appreciate it:


Using Language [English]
NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Standardize Shapeshifting
D:\GOG Games\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition>
ERROR: End_of_file
Standardize Shapeshifting (Klatu Tweaks and Fixes) was not installed due to errors.
EDIT: Looks like the error incurs when the setup asks you for confirmation of your selections:
You have selected the following options:
 * Always incur 100% divine casting failure on polymorphed creatures (default)
 * Always incur 100% arcane casting failure on polymorphed creatures (default)
Proceed with these choices? (enter 1 or 2)
1) Proceed with installation.
2) Re-select choices.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Standardize Shapeshifting], rolling back to previous state.
When I install it manually and click on "1) Proceed with installation." it installs fine, with no problems.
This is only possible if you do not choose the last subcomponent (although I can not imagine how this can be done).
I see in zonx's WeiDU.log that this component was installed, but I don't know if he had any problem with it. I myself have tested the installation of this component with different combinations of subcomponents, and it is always installed perfectly. The only way I was able to repeat this error is edit User.ini before installation and delete "2090?5_1" in "Current" block. So did you happen to edit this file before installation? And, did you try to install only this component without any other mods?

Turns out that I didn't choose "Proceed with installation" component, my bad  :blush:


By the way, when you install this mod, does it mess with your ax1h01.itm and staf01.itm? Because on my installation it did, and whenever I equip a 1-handed axe or Quarterstaff I turn into a male dwarf, haha, but I fixed it by using the backup in klatu's installation folder.

In Topic: I equipped a quarterstaff and I turned into a gnome??!

30 January 2016 - 01:37 PM

Here is the difference between the two files (the one on the right is the one klatu didn't modify, the one on the left is the one klatu modified), give me my extra credit now  :Tasty:


To know the whole truth just click animation change (53) under global effects in klatu and see what it does

Haha, here is what the animation change (53) does:



All doubts removed of by whom and how it is done. Morph into FIGHTER_MALE_DWARF.

It adds alot of other things other than morphing into a dwarf, it adds multiple resistances to certain elements and it disables wizard spells, and alot more, I don't know how this stuff happens.

In Topic: I equipped a quarterstaff and I turned into a gnome??!

30 January 2016 - 01:20 PM

Here is the difference between the two files (the one on the right is the one klatu didn't modify, the one on the left is the one klatu modified), give me my extra credit now  :Tasty:


To know the whole truth just click animation change (53) under global effects in klatu and see what it does

Haha, here is what the animation change (53) does:

