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The Elder Brain

Member Since 09 Nov 2017
Offline Last Active Dec 16 2018 02:29 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Changing Imoen to Adveturer using ee keeper ?

21 May 2018 - 04:16 PM

Alright that seems easy enough/ Just a few questions.....Do I need to start a new game ? and I am playing EET do I install in bg2 or bg

In Topic: XP bonus 2da files (toned down version)

16 May 2018 - 09:11 AM

So set pick locks and disarm traps at 1000 and then go 950 900 and so on for each and leave learn spell at 1000 ? I will try this 

In Topic: TDD Items are all undroppable

15 May 2018 - 03:02 PM

Question....If I do reinstall can I import my saved game and old character will it mess up my game ? 

In Topic: TDD Items are all undroppable

15 May 2018 - 02:05 PM

I don't know how to use near infinity so I may just have to reinstall again.

In Topic: TDD Items are all undroppable

15 May 2018 - 01:40 PM

I really only use one item and that's Giants Grace to get the robes in the trollford dungeon. Its just annoying finding a weapon and it gets stuck in my inventory. I used ee keeper and it wiped mod spells and items I was using so I hate to use it again to get rid of all the un removable items  I have in my inventory. I forgot to mention that I have a few items that I cant sell or remove now.