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Member Since 14 May 2018
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In Topic: ToB ending dialogue bug

19 May 2018 - 10:49 AM

There are 6 different endings:



In Topic: My ghost man dies in watchers keep final seal

16 May 2018 - 10:42 PM

In Near Infinity you can choose a view option in the menu point options > show override files .....

You can either have them all shown under Override or select a view where all files are shown under their type like cre or itm regardless of where they are stored. I prefer the "in ??? folders" option because it always shows the file version that the game will actually use.

In Topic: My ghost man dies in watchers keep final seal

16 May 2018 - 07:22 AM

For console just hit CTRL+Pause and type C:SetGlobal("SpiritRoom","GLOBAL",12)  and enter etc.


FSSpir1 is your warrior creature and its unique. If you beef him up it won't have effects anywhere else in the game.

In Topic: TDD Items are all undroppable

15 May 2018 - 02:22 PM

I don't know how to use near infinity so I may just have to reinstall again.

If you put this file into BG2EE/override, it should work. But you will get odd item name and description I guess.

In Topic: My ghost man dies in watchers keep final seal

15 May 2018 - 02:16 PM

Creature may be FSMumm or FSMumm2


Maybe it helps to use console



That scene can't work in the Legacy mode because you can't influence your spirit fighter while enemies get all the extras. It's a bug you can't overcome without cheating.