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Member Since 08 Jul 2019
Offline Last Active Aug 01 2019 04:06 AM

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Arath - TOB talks stalled?

28 July 2019 - 11:54 AM

So, I'm not sure if I've done something wrong, or if I just need to wait longer, but my Arath romance has completely stalled since Suldanessellar. In Suldanessellar Arath suddenly told me "it's over", but his RomanceActive variable is still set to 1. He talks to me sometimes, but there's no romance. I'm already quite far into TOB (in Amkethran) and there's no romance anymore. Have I done something wrong, or do I just need to keep waiting for the romance timer to move to 2? I've slept in inns and outdoors several times, and . . . nothing. 

In case it's helpful, here are a few of my variables:

LK#ArathRomanceActive = 1
LK#ArathSex = 2
LK#ArathSexTimer = 773307
LK#ArathInnSex = 2
LK#ArathLoveTalks = 33
LK#ArathLoveTalkTimer = 1496547
LK#ArathBreak = 0
LK#ArathSuldanessellar = 2
LK#ArathTreeofLife = 1
LK#ArathTobTalks = 7
LK#ArathTobTalksTimer = 1672767

Should I just move the RomanceActive variable to 2 and see what happens? I don't want to miss anything, but all of my other party members are plenty chatty. Arath just isn't.

Arath Romance Conflicts

08 July 2019 - 12:59 PM

I've been trying to find out if there are any conflicts for Arath with regards to romance. Aside from Arath I also have Kelsey, Anomen, and Aura in my party. All three of them are romanceable by a female PC. I don't plan to flirt or pursue romance with any of them, but I know for some NPCs (*cough cough Anomen*) just being friendly and making decisions they approve of is enough to get their romance track started.
Will any of these romances conflict with Arath, and cause his romance to suddenly end? When I had the Kivan mod installed, his romance suddenly tanked when Anomen got the hots for my character.
Is there a way for me to check Arath's romance status (ie. "ArathRomanceActive" or something like that)?