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Member Since 11 Jul 2021
Offline Last Active Aug 15 2021 07:31 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Chloe NPC for EET

08 August 2021 - 05:29 PM

Sorry for writing in this thread, but the truth is that I didn't know where to ask this question.
Chloe, when you finish the game, does it have an epilogue? I ask because I'm translating the .TRA and I didn't find any reference to an ending or something like that.
To verify if it wasn't a search error on my part, I searched with near infinity and I didn't find any .2DA file either (if I'm not mistaken, these files are used for epilogues).
If someone so kind can give me a clue or a concrete answer about this, I would appreciate it.
*message translated by google translator.

In Topic: Minsc Friendship available!

11 July 2021 - 11:21 AM



Hice la traducción al español de este mod de amistad, publico acá los archivos .tra. Hasta donde los pude testear, no he tenido problema. 

(No se si tenia que hacerlo por acá o mandarlo por mail al autor, perdón si me equivoqué en las formas)



Google Translate
I made the Spanish translation of this friendship mod, I publish here the .tra files. As far as I could test them, I have had no problem.
(I don't know if I had to do it here or send it by email to the author, sorry if I made a mistake in the forms)