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Member Since 07 Jul 2022
Offline Last Active Nov 29 2022 06:26 AM

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In Topic: Installation problem with the Sellswords Mod in BGT-Megamod install

29 November 2022 - 12:47 AM

Sorry for the late reply.

Tried the AM2201.wav file (thank you jastey), but now it misses AM2202.wav.

Is there a way to extract the according BIF file separately to have the content in one go?

Otherwise I will restart installation from scratch.




In Topic: Installation problem with the Sellswords Mod in BGT-Megamod install

09 November 2022 - 03:31 AM

@ jastey: Do you by chance have the AM2201.wav file? Because that's the missing one according to the debug-log.


Thank you



In Topic: Installation problem with the Sellswords Mod in BGT-Megamod install

07 November 2022 - 02:12 AM

Okay, that's unpleasant. The BIF-files are all where they ought to be. But the mod can't read them.

The AM2201.wav file is not present, so I assume it has not been properly unpacked from the BIF? Will try to find one an d drop it to the override in a last attempt to save the install.



In Topic: Installation problem with the Sellswords Mod in BGT-Megamod install

04 November 2022 - 01:43 PM

Don't laugh at me if I'm totally wrong, but isn't the BIF-file an archive that should (probably) contain the missing files?


Can't try my luck before Monday, when I'm back at my office laptop.


Have a nice weekend!



In Topic: Installation problem with the Sellswords Mod in BGT-Megamod install

04 November 2022 - 03:17 AM

I had hoped it would be solved that easily. But when I do as you suggested, the installation keeps failing, this time missing the file AM2201.wav.

Debug-log attached. Should I try and drop that file to the override folder as well?  Or ist the problem more elemental?


Thanks for your efforts.

