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Member Since 31 Jul 2022
Offline Last Active Aug 04 2022 12:50 AM

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In Topic: Problem installing stutterdebug

02 August 2022 - 10:27 PM

OK, I got it to mod all the scripts expect for the dw series. Yay! But when I ran the game it was almost crickets. So I think that if it's a script that's bogging the game down after getting out of Chez Irenicus then it is in the dw set. I tried just doing the dw chunk on it's own, but ran out of memory at about 100 of 1000. So now I'm trying to work out how to divide the dw set into bite size pieces. Something like:



















But can I just get rid of the DESIGNATED 2 and DESIGNATED 21-26 sections and keep adding on sections after DESIGNATED 18 (19-35)?




In Topic: Problem installing stutterdebug

02 August 2022 - 10:07 AM

OK, this is awesome! Thank you! But it turns out that the scripts are inordinately weighted in number and size. The a-e chunk turns out to have about half the scripts in my install. So I started breaking it down further by editing the tp2 file: a-b ~1000 scripts, c ~800, d ~1300. I got a-c done, re-running setup each time like I do when installing SCS. But it seems the 'd' scripts are larger because it runs out of memory after processing only about 500 of them. So could I do something like: ~d[a-k].*\.bcs~, ~d[l-v].*\.bcs~, and ~d[^a-v].*\.bcs~ to break 'd' into three chunks? I've been looking at some RegExp tutorials but it's still not quite making sense to me. I think the majority is the 'dw' scripts, probably these are all the SCS scripts which seem to be both long and numerous.


On the other hand, is this WieDU trying to both decompile and patch the scripts at the same time? If so, maybe it can be done in steps? It is crazy that this is chewing up about 3.6GB of memory (2GB RAM -0.4GB for the OS, and 2GB of virtual memory). I've used the Task Manager to watch it and it does seem to be using up all the RAM and VM before erroring out.


Thank you, DJ

In Topic: Problem installing stutterdebug

01 August 2022 - 11:51 PM

As I feared, LStest also faild to install due to runn8ng out of memory. Any hints on how I can edit the .tp2 file to patch the scripts in alphabetical chuncks? I gather I'd have to make a number of BEGIN blocks, but not sure what the COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP line should look like to do, say: all scripts that begin with a-e? Thanks, DJ

In Topic: Customize container capacities

01 August 2022 - 04:57 PM

I guess I never read the full description carefully. I saw the title "Slightly expanded storage capacity for containers" and didn't think it was of interest to me. I will have to try it. Thank you for the information! Regards, DJ

In Topic: Problem installing stutterdebug

01 August 2022 - 12:26 AM

Hi, I do have LStest, and the .tp2 script that The Bigg posted, but of the three stutterdebug seemed to be the most advanced so I thought I'd try that first. I have a feeling LStest will also bomb out trying to patch 6000-something scripts, but IguessI'll give it a try. Thanks, DJ