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Member Since 09 May 2005
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In Topic: Garren NPC

11 May 2005 - 05:06 AM

For a portrait, you could try Sol Ek Sa which is located here, or scan the numerous BG-style portrait sites that are avaliable. ^_^ "Divine Treasures" has alot of good ones.

Before you write the biography, try thinking about why exactly Garren would join with the PC. Consider the events within his past (the loss of his lands etc), and then fill in the blanks! :)

Also, what STAT's would he have?

In Topic: Qwen Ta'hara

11 May 2005 - 04:37 AM


This may be just my personal opinion, but man is she ever bitchy. It's like she gets annoyed by everything and everyone. Indeed she sounds like a modern-world teenage girl (one of the 5%, since definately not all girls are like that) who's trapped inside the BGII world. She sounds more like Chaotic Neutral to me. And why the 18/00 Strength? That means she is just as powerful as Sarevok, and he's large and very muscular. :blink:

I apologise for the negative commentary, but I have to be honest. I'll try out every NPC Mod out there, but I think I'll have to skip this one, if it doesn't get some serious tweaks. Sorry.

I think Moongaze summed up what I was thinking in his post. However, I'd also have to query her 9 DEX STAT. While I know that 9/10 is meant to be the Forgotten Realms average, Elves and Half-Elves are meant to be dexterous, which Qwen most certainly isn't :blink: She'd also make a very poor Fighter if she was continually tripping over herself!

The fact that she also has such a negative attitude may well put alot of people off from playing the mod; her attitude would get incredibly grating after a while, and is very out of place within the Forgotten Realms setting.

I apologise for the negative comments, but there really isn't anything positive that I can say about the current Mod concept. Maybe if you tweaked her STAT's and attitude she'd make a more acceptable NPC, aye? ;)

In Topic: My kingdom For a horse

11 May 2005 - 04:20 AM

As Stone Wolf has previously said, this would take alot of animation editing and would probably end up being a project that is incredibly time consuming! :( However, there are some games coming out soon (although not in the BG series) that allow your character to ride a horse ^_^

In Topic: Welcome to the Chrysta Forums!

11 May 2005 - 04:05 AM

I just thought that I'd pop over and take a look at Chrysta. Lookin' good, and here's to wishing you all the best, Sir K! :thumb:

In Topic: Half-drow

09 May 2005 - 05:57 AM

For the mod I'm working on, I found information on this subject at the following site --


While this is in relation to the offspring of Humans/Drow, there doesn't seem to be much avaliable concerning Surface Elves and Drow. However, there was one particular sight I visited that mentioned it. If I can find the link again, I'll paste it here.