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Member Since 04 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Dec 21 2009 11:30 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: four old mods

01 December 2009 - 01:33 AM

New version "Blood of the Martyr":


v1   - The Initial Release
v2   - WeiDU-conversion by Badgert
       Add Russian translation by www.aerie.ru
v3   - Add German translation by Telperion (thank you!!!)
v4   - Add Italian translation by Ilot (thank you!!!)
v4.1 - Corrected typos in the German translation
       Added WeiDU v210
v5   - Add French translation by SkipCool (thank you!!!)

In Topic: four old mods

12 November 2009 - 06:37 AM

New version "DomainsofDread":


Version 3
- Added Italian translation by Stoneangel

In Topic: four old mods

27 October 2009 - 07:33 AM

New version "Tortured Soul Quest":


v7 - Added Italian translation by Ilot (thank you!!!)

In Topic: four old mods

06 October 2009 - 12:17 PM

New version "Tortured Soul Quest":


v1 - The Initial Release
v2 - WeiDU-conversion by Badgert
     Added Russian translation by www.aerie.ru
v3 - Added German translation by Leonardo Watson (thank you!!!)
     Fixed the file METBAE2.d
v4 - Now, the mod patches the files and not overwrites them (thanks White Agnus!!!)
     Added a small description of the mod in the ReadMe-TTSQ.txt
     Corrected the wrong named German translator
     Added VERSION flag
     Updated to WeiDU v210
v5 - Added Spanish translation by Clan REO (thank you!!!)
   - Added revised German translation
v6 - Added French translation by Fouinto (of the d'Oghmatiques) (thank you!!!)

In Topic: New Resurrected Mod Updates

28 May 2009 - 10:32 PM

v1.6.2 - Add Italian translation (Thanks Ilot) and small fix in cre-files.
Added WeiDU v210
Added VERSION flag