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Member Since 04 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 08 2008 08:57 PM

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In Topic: Edwin's Romance Theme Song

13 April 2006 - 02:07 PM

Greetings peoples of SpellholdStudios! I just recently discovered this great website and fell in love with Edwin's romance mod. It is incredible!

Yes, just who was the composer? I know Edwina's theme was from Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet.

In Topic: Making An NPC: The Poll

10 February 2006 - 01:13 PM

My ideal NPC would be an aasimar? asimar? fighter-thief type with a good decently long quest a lot of testosterone with a lot of interraction with PC and NPC's alike. With a creative approach to the Anomen romance/jealousy issue. A realistic romance would be good. One that starts physical and grows from there. well thats my input.

disari, you take after my own heart.

I've been thinking as of late about how marvelous it would be if someone were to create a truly evil-aligned assassin/bounty-hunter (to replace our dear Yoshi after we?ve mercilessly eviscerated him) that evil-aligned PCs could romance. After all, don?t our more sinister Bhaalspawn deserve a strong, passionate consort bloodthirsty enough to keep up with her?

Ideally, his relationship with Charname would be initially one of working professionalism, with subtle displays of admiration for her handiwork (among other things) that would eventually lead to the blatant and uncontrollable desire for the fearless leader herself. The ?romance? would be intense and entirely unsentimental in tone, I would think, with expressions of undying love entering very late, if at all. Such things do not always need to be expressed with words.

In Topic: Who would have thought... Wow!

06 February 2006 - 06:58 PM

Laufey and Dorotea, I came across your mod quite by accident one day and was so intrigued by the prospect of a romance with the sneering Thayvian wizard that I had to dust off my Baldur's Gate 2 cds and install them. And am I ever glad that I did! As I'm sure many have noticed, there's not exactly a lot of good roleplaying opportunities for evil-aligned PCs ( let alone a decent romance) but you did a marvelous job of creating one for us. I'd loved the fact that you faithfully kept Eddie as his devious, meglomaniacal self but still managed to write a mod that was also touching and incredibly funny.

Kudos! :cheers:
