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Member Since 02 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active Jun 23 2009 07:13 PM

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In Topic: Those Cheating... Mages

23 June 2009 - 07:16 PM

Hrmmm, y'know... That's kinda cruel. There's simply no way I can even get my party up to level 2 by that point in the game, so, ah... how am I supposed to take on a wizard with Mirror Image, Stoneskin, and Protection from Normal Missiles all enabled in an instant?

Granted, I could metagame and skip that quest entirely and come back later, but like I heavily implied before, I'd really prefer to avoid that. We'll see if I manage to not be horribly annihilated on my playthrough with pre-buffing disabled...

In Topic: Those Cheating... Mages

23 June 2009 - 02:29 PM

...Ayep, pre-buffing is staying firmly off, then.

Thanks for the input.

In Topic: Those Cheating... Mages

23 June 2009 - 12:12 PM

For the record, I can only pre-buff if I'm metagaming (yes, I know, this is expected and even required by tactical mods) and know exactly where and when the next battle will be and whether or not I even need to buff in the first place. Besides that I can't really counter pre-buffing when I'm using level 1 mages and the enemy is at least level 9, hmm?

...Actually, that I also need to know: Is Silke level 9 (she's at least that, as I can only judge by her use of Magic Missile getting 5 missiles) by default? And if not, what mod causes it?

Oh, thanks for the info, by the by.