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Member Since 11 Oct 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 03 2009 03:07 PM

Topics I've Started

Musings from someone who downloaded on a whim

11 October 2006 - 04:18 AM

This mod is absolutely fantastic.

Hi, I'm a person who's been around the baldurs gate scene for quite some time, I took a hiatus of a few years and only recently returned, I tried several mods and was linked to yours, I decided to play the entire saga from the start, starting with BG Tutu, to the end, on a whim I included the Longer road because I was curious as to how irenicus has been written.

I found the mod absolutely fantastic, well writen arguments, thoughtful choices, amusing choices, good banter between characters.

Though more my own fault than anything, but the Weimers item upgrade mod kept overwriting imoens dialogue, it was quite funny seeing a conversation along this line:

Imoen: Ooooh, cespenar likes the shiny ones.
Irenicus: What are you nattering about, child?
Imoen: Celestial fury +5.
Irenicus: Why would you even ask that?

If I could make a suggestion for you, it would be to provide some degree of compatability with weimer's Valen and Solaufein character mods, as both characters are relatively 'prominent' in the storyline, and if both stay with you, then they should have some form of interaction with the main villain, the reason I say this is because both characters completely ignored each others existence, which would be rather strange. I wouldn't mind assisting with dialogue if you did decide to do this.

I've started to read your grey ashes novel, I'm on chapter two and enjoying it thus far, I'll sign off now, but I wish you all the best if you are deciding to continue this mod.

