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Member Since 19 Mar 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 03 2009 12:08 PM

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In Topic: dialog error, how to active "self-fix script"

01 March 2009 - 02:39 PM


I seem to have the same problem, with the exception that I haven't met Valygar yet and that my Chloe says:

"You disgust me, thief".

She says that everytime she initiates dialogue (and some music starts) and every time my character tries to talk to her. My only option is to press the "continue" button (that doesn't continue at all but is more like an "END"). And that's all I get. I think it's okay that she doesn't like my character that much (he is a male after all) but it is a bit boring that she has such a limited vocabulary...

Anyway, it feels like she is stuck in some kind of loop and I would very much like to know how to end it :-)
I tried, like you suggested, to kill her (using hot keys), create her again (Chloe9) and force her to join. No change what so ever.
And, yeah, I suppose I should mention that I'm using a Mac (MBP, 2,2Ghz, OS X 10.5.6).