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Member Since 05 May 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2009 07:11 AM

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[REL] UFF & RM Tabaxi Race

17 March 2008 - 04:28 AM

Name: UFF & Robert Tabaxi Race
Version: 1.6
Date: 3/17/2008
Category: Races, Classes and Birthsigns
Player-Created MOD(s):

Unofficial Patch: http://www.tesnexus....ile.php?id=5296
Fantasy Figures: http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=13356
Robert's Male Oblivion Body Replacer 4.0: http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=14942

Author(s): Luchaire

This mod adds the Tabaxi, a new playable race. Tabaxi are mischievous and deceitful, fun-loving cat-people, perhaps related in some way to Khajiit... perhaps not.


This mod is fully compatible with Robert's male body replacer and the Fantasy Figures female body replacer.

About the Tabaxi:

Racial Stats (Male/Female)
STR: 50/40
INT: 30/30
WIL: 35/40
AGL: 40/50
SPD: 40/40
END: 45/40
PER: 30/30
LUC: 50/50

Skill bonuses:
Acrobatics +10
Athletics +10
Illusion +5
Alteration +10
Sneak +10

Special abilities:
Resist Magic 50%
Night eye at will

The origin of the strange race known as Tabaxi is unknown. Perhaps they are the result of magic gone wrong; perhaps the madness of the gods; or perhaps simple wicked fate. Regardless, these cat-people are known for stealth and mischief. They are quick and agile, yet strong, if not overly clever. They have a fascination for magic and magical things, especially of the sort that transmutes or deceives. Tabaxi have a strong dislike for Khajiits (and vice-versa) but are generally fond of Bretons and Bosmers.

1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary.
3. Copy files to (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\
4. Start Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside "UFF & Robert Tabaxi Race.esp"

1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s).
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod:

UFF & Robert Tabaxi Race.esp

All four of these folders:


This mod should not have any incompatibility issues.

Known Issues or Bugs
None known.

1.6, 2008/03/17 - update:
Added Fantasy Figures compatibility
Removed Ren's hair

1.5, 2007/05/07 - update:
Added missing normal maps for some textures
Added support for Corwyn's and Growlf's body replacers

1.4, 2007/04/06 - update:
Added Ren's hair options
Added support for Exnem's female body replacer

1.3, 2007/03/25 - update:
Added new voice set

1.2, 2007/03/24 - Update:
Corrected omission of eye mesh files
Changed "Cat's Eye" power to work on a toggle instead of a 120-second duration
Shortened in game race description for CharGen menu

1.1, 2007/03/20 - Initial release.

You can find me on the official Elder Scrolls forums, the CanadianIce forums, and Tessource as 'Luchaire'

You can send me an email here: luchaire@gmail.com



Thanks to:
Nequam for the amazing Ainmhe eye textures and the voice set.
The Fantasy Figures team for all the great work on producing a high-quality female body replacer, and the female khajiit body texture this was based on.
Robert for the male body replacer and inherent male khajiit body texture.
jw0ollard for the 1024x1024 Khajiit face retexture which was the base for this one (http://www.tessource...ile.php?id=7930)
Kynetarse for the night eye toggle script.

Tools Used
TES Construction Set - http://www.theelders...s_utilities.htm
Readme Generator - http://lhammonds.gam..._generator1.asp
Photoshop - http://www.adobe.com...ucts/photoshop/

You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that
you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod. I would also like
to know what mods are including my work.


Download at Tesnexus:


[REL] Gothic Bretons

03 June 2007 - 09:20 PM


Enjoy. And please rate. ;)

DM: Gothic Breton Race

03 June 2007 - 09:14 PM

Posted Image

File Name: Gothic Breton Race
File Submitter: Luchaire
File Submitted: 4 Jun 2007
File Updated: 4 Jun 2007
File Category: Races/Hair/Eyes

Gothic Breton Race
Version: 1.1
Date: 6/4/2007
Category: Races
Requirements: Player-Created MOD(s): Unofficial Oblivion Patch or a custom race fix mod.
Author(s): Luchaire

This adds a custom version of the Breton race - Gothic Bretons.

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Gothic Bretons are identical to normal Bretons except as follows:

Gothic Bretons do not have the "Dragon Shield" power
Gothic Bretons have a new power, "Power of Night", which is a touch attack that absorbs 100 Magicka, usable once per day
Gothic Bretons have the following skill bonuses:

Conjuration +10
Mysticism +10
Alteration +10
Illusion +10
Restoration +5

Because of the great many different hair and eye mods and compilations that exist now, no eyes or hair have been added to this race. If you want anything other than the game's normal selection, you will have to add them yourself.

1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary.
3. Copy files to (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\
4. Start Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the Gothic Breton Race.esp file.

In order to start a new game as a Gothic Breton, you will need to have either the Unofficial Oblivion Patch or one the various custom race fix mods. Without one of these, the main quest will never start and you'll be sitting in your prison cell forever.

Body Replacer Compatibility
Included are three folders in the "Extras" folder, with files for compatibility with the BAB female body, Exnem's female body,  and Robert's male body.

For Robert's male body, copy the footmale.dds and footmale_n.dds files from the "RobertMale" folder to: Data\Textures\characters\GothicBreton\male

For BAB or Exnem's female body, copy the footfemale.dds and footfemale_n.dds files from the "BABFemale" or "ExnemFemale" folder to:

In both cases, select "Yes" to overwrite.

1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the Gothic Breton Race.esp file.
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod:

Oblivion\Data\Gothic Breton Race.esp

This mod should not have any incompatibility issues with any other mods.

Known Issues or Bugs
None known.

1.1, 2007/06/03 - Added missing tattoos and nail polish for Exnem female body and default body, and tattoos on Robert's male body.
1.0, 2007/06/03 - Initial release.

You can find me on the official Elder Scrolls forums, Spellhold Studios, CanadianIce's forums, or Tessource.net as 'Luchaire'
You can send me an email here: Luchaire@gmail.com

Thanks to:
MaboroshiDaikon for the original Imperial face texture modified for this race.
AlienSlof for the nose ring (from Slof's Goth Shop II)
Scanti for the merged teeth mesh.
The BAB team, Exnem, and Robert for alternate body textures (modified for this race)

Tools Used
Oblivion Mod Manager - http://timeslip.chorrol.com/obmm.html
Photoshop - http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/
TES Construction Set - http://www.theelderscrolls.com/downloads/u...s_utilities.htm
Readme Generator - http://lhammonds.game-host.org/obmm/tools_..._generator1.asp
Wyre Bash - http://wrye.ufrealms.net/Wrye%20Bash.html

You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that
you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod. I would also like
to know what mods are including my work.

Click here to download this file

[WIP] Gothic Breton

25 May 2007 - 08:11 AM

Coming soon to a download source near you... Gothic Bretons:

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Note: In most ways, Gothic Bretons are like any other Bretons except:

~ They look different (duh)
~ They don't have the "Dragon Shield" power
~ They have a different power called "Power of Night" - which is a once/day Absorb Magicka on Touch attack (100 points)
~ They have slightly different skill bonuses:

Conjuration +10
Mysticism +10
Illusion +10
Alteration +10
Restoration +5

Gothic Bretons use completely custom textures. They come with a non-removable nose-ring, body tattoos, black nail polish, and face paint. At present, only the BAB and default bodies are supported. But due to requests, I'll be doing an Exnemized version, too - *if* someone sends me an unmodified but most current version of these two files:


Anticipated release: 28 May.

Any modeler willing to do this?

18 May 2007 - 09:50 AM

I posted this at CI, but figured I'd throw it up here, too:


If someone could do this, I'd erect a shrine in your honor. I'd wash your car, clean your windows, and bathe your dog (and I hate dogs). I'd even sell you my sister. Cheap. I'll proclaim your awesomeness from the mountaintops and buy you the biggest beer in the world.

That said... what I'm after (and have been for a while with no luck) is the golden saint armor with the lower mail portion of the cuirass removed for a bare midriff look. I've said before I'm not generally a fan of skimpy armor, but this is a special case for a certain character. VagabondAngel had such a thing in the works a while ago but no progress has been made and the impression I got when I PM'd him was that the mod might never be done. :(

Here's what I mean:
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If possible, could it be set to use the BAB body instead of default as well? This isn't critical, though, as I could probably fumble my way through Nifskope to figure out how to do this.