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Member Since 12 Apr 2003
Offline Last Active Oct 06 2004 12:26 AM

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In Topic: All new Chloe website!

09 March 2004 - 07:53 AM

Nice! I'm glad to see things are still happening, despite the loss of the coders. :)

In Topic: Is Chloe a well balanced NPC?

14 December 2003 - 01:04 PM

Right. No personal attacks were made (by me at least) - I attacked the ridiculousness of this argument, and the fact that it's been going on for so long. I'm not sure how to explain this without sounding offensive... but here goes. Yes, I do play the game for the story. I do like roleplaying. And that's exactly the reason why I don't care if Chloe has "maximum" dexterity or not. Nitpicking stats don't make for good roleplaying - to me, at least - and the only thing I see when I look at her character sheet is "wow, she's really nimble". It doesn't require a huge suspension of disbelief because it's just a number. If it was explicitely said somewhere in the game that "It's impossible for anyone, diety or mortal, to become more dextrous than Chloe" as part of the storyline then there would've been a problem... but as it is, that's not the case. To me, good roleplaying in a game like this is partly looking beyond the stats.

So, to sum it up - is 25 dexterity necessary? Nope.
Is complaining about it necessary? Nope x 2.
Will anything be gained from continuing to argue this case?

Well, I think everyone knows the answer to that question.

In Topic: Is Chloe a well balanced NPC?

13 December 2003 - 10:16 PM

Surely this is the end of the world! A computer game character has 25 out of 25 dex! All I can say is... Planescape: Torment must not be a game for you :/

In Topic: Is Chloe a well balanced NPC?

12 November 2003 - 03:36 AM

Quite honestly... I really don't see what the argument is all about. Time constraints have really prevented me from going all that far with Chloe myself - just arrived on ye olde Spellhold island - and I've personally found her to be perhaps a little more powerful than the standard Bioware NPCs in some situations.

Now, the question is... why did this turn into such a long discussion? Is there a law that says "all NPCs have to be equally powerful"? It's quite obvious that it doesn't work that way just from looking at the Bioware NPCs.... Cernd vs. Sarevok, who'd you rather have in terms of effectiveness? If someone made a "farm girl/boy mod" introducing an NPC that was near useless in combat, but had lots of interesting banters/quests/whatnot, would you complain that she/he wasn't as good at fighting as Minsc? For her background, Chloe makes a lot of sense, I think.

And to take it even further, just for the heck of it... since when is BG2 a balanced game at -all-?


*shrugs* Accept Chloe for what she is, I'd say. You'll have more fun playing that way.

In Topic: The "What I'd like to see in ToB" thread

15 October 2003 - 04:30 AM

I rather like Billy's suggestion. :)

Also, I'm a fan of sappy stuff. I wouldn't mind lots of focus on the -romance- part and plenty of interactions. I want love talks up the wazoo! Also, I'd love to see Chloe and the PC to leave the rest of the party behind for some kind of quest that involves them both personally, to rejoin the others later.