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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Feb 22 2013 09:32 AM
  • Last Updated: Apr 08 2023 12:22 AM
  • File Size: 107.41K
  • Views: 10520
  • Downloads: 9387

Previous Versions

  • 13 May 2018 Download WeiDU Highlighter for Notepad++ 3.14
  • 01 Feb 2018 Download WeiDU Highlighter for Notepad++ 3.13
  • 22 Jul 2017 Download WeiDU Highlighter for Notepad++ 3.12
  • 18 Sep 2016 Download WeiDU Highlighter for Notepad++ 3.11
  • 15 Feb 2016 Download WeiDU Highlighter for Notepad++ 3.10
  • 08 Mar 2015 Download WeiDU Highlighter for Notepad++ 3.9
  • 01 Nov 2014 Download WeiDU Highlighter for Notepad++ 3.8
  • 15 Jan 2014 Download WeiDU Highlighter for Notepad++ 3.7
  • 16 Oct 2013 Download WeiDU Highlighter for Notepad++ 3.6
  • 04 Jun 2013 Download WeiDU Highlighter for Notepad++ 3.5
  • 22 May 2013 Download WeiDU Highlighter for Notepad++ 3.4
  • 05 May 2013 Download WeiDU Highlighter for Notepad++ 3.3
  • 27 Apr 2013 Download WeiDU Highlighter for Notepad++ 3.2
  • 06 Mar 2013 Download WeiDU Highlighter for Notepad++ 3.1
  • 22 Feb 2013 Download WeiDU Highlighter for Notepad++ 3.0

Download WeiDU Highlighter for Notepad++ 4.0

* * * * * 3 Votes
highlighter notepad++ WeiDU autocompletion

The package provides
Syntax highlighting support for:
  • TP2 files (*.tp2, *.tph, *.tpa, *.tpp)
  • BAF files (*.baf)
  • D files (*.d)
  • TRA file (*.tra)
Auto-Completion support for:
  • TP2 files (*.tp2, *.tph, *.tpa, *.tpp)
  • BAF files (*.baf)
  • D files (*.d)
Syntax highlighting and auto-completion files require Notepad++ 6.3 or higher. You can find the editor here.

Setting up Syntax Highlighting
  • Open the file manager and enter the path "%AppData%\Notepad++\userDefineLangs" (without the quotes) into the address bar. The path should resolve to "C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\userDefineLangs" (on Windows Vista or later). Alternatively, open Notepad++ and select menu Language > User Defined Language > Open User Defined Language folder...
  • If the folder "userDefineLangs" doesn't exist yet, create it.
  • Copy all desired highlighter XML files from the "userDefineLangs" subfolder of the zip archive into the folder.
  • Restart Notepad++ to make the changes visible. You should now see new entries (WeiDU_TP2, WeiDU_BAF, ...) in the Language menu.
Setting up Auto-Completion
  • Open the file manager and navigate to the directory where Notepad++ is installed. By default Notepad++ is installed in "C:\Program Files\Notepad++" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++". Alternatively, use Windows Search to find the location of "notepad++.exe".
  • Open the subfolder "autoCompletion" and copy all desired auto-completion XML files from the "autoCompletion" subfolder of the zip archive into the folder. Elevated privileges may be needed for the copy operation.
  • Start or restart Notepad++ and navigate to menu Setting > Preferences. Select "Auto-Completion" in the options list and activate the checkbox "Enable auto-completion on each input". Choose "Function and word completion" and enable the "Function parameters hint on input" checkbox. Close the Preferences dialog.
The color schemes and keyword lists can be easily customized using Notepad++'s edit capabilities.

Alternate download: GitHub

Versions for older Notepad++ releases can still be found somewhere in this thread.

Have fun! :)

What's New in Version 4.0 (See full changelog)

  • added auto-completion support for TP2, BAF and D files
  • improved coloring and structure of syntax highlighters
  • removed "colorize string" tags in TRA highlighter to fix false positives


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