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#122160 Creature Revisions - Part I

Posted by Schatten on 08 June 2004 - 09:49 AM in Refinements

Schat, remember the fight with Irenicus in Hell from Tactics. He has a Dragon, an Elder Orb, Sarevok wraith and an improved mordekainen sword (and they steal some of your equipment). So, maybe Firk is harder to beat, but not impossible (at 3 million XP and above).

i find this battle pretty tough. :)

the battles shouldnt be endless reload orgies. a 900hp red dragon (35% res for phys, 40%mag res, fire immune, rest 20%) with a near end soa party or even with one hla is too much. dont forget the team wants to add minions to some of the dragons. imagine someone wants to play only one or two mods? he cant do this with dragon revision.
the question is more on what basis do we argue? high end npcs with 4mio exp by returning from underdark? what mods are there? 90%vorpal hit weapon mods? orig bg2/tob? this will determine how the dragons look like.

#121920 Creature Revisions - Part I

Posted by Schatten on 07 June 2004 - 12:08 PM in Refinements

"I don't think they are unbeatable at all. I was able to kill improved Abazigal (and he had a lot of assistants, even an adult dragon) and he had 500 HP. I was doubting just because they had more than Abazigal. But seeing how TG calculated the HP, I think he is right. "

so you say you beat imp aba with soa chars with lvl 17 or 18?
the hp of the dragons are tgm guessing for balance and not calculated. he still can change them if we whine enough. ;) :P

"I don't agree. After level 20, you won't receive too much bonuses : the THAC0 is capped at 0, the saving throws are capped also. I mean : they are beatable (don't forget they don't have any assistance). "

sure. not all dragons should have assistances. if all dragons become assistances it would be boring because its repetative. some if not most should be tough enough alone. (arent dragons solo creatures? or do they always have someone around?). was a hint for tob to not give every dragon goons. ;)
ehm... you become more powerfull over tob, you know?

"If a player can beat this version of Firkraag with a party that lacks TOB level items, spells and HLAs then I'm darn impressed by his SOA skills."

and patience for reloads. ;) :D

"His Tougher Sendai proves the contrary, but hey..! "

is it for high modded games with more powerfull n/pcs? i dont think so. :)

#124416 Creature Revisions - Part I

Posted by Schatten on 18 June 2004 - 03:17 AM in Refinements

isnt ai supposed to stop +4 and +5 gets through? i heard about an error in description or an error in the spell or something.

#110935 Renal Bloodscalp dialogue

Posted by Schatten on 19 April 2004 - 05:43 AM in Chloe

A perfect idea, I hope you are reading this Lucy. It would keep Chloe's nature as you intended her to act, but would restore Renal's reputation from its ashes. Not to mention that it wouldn't be too much work, and you'd have to add 2 or 3 new short dialogue lines only.
She would start threatening Renal, so the PC would get a chance to shut her mouth before causing too much harm - if she would continue and keep threatening him, Arkanis Gath would appear and kill her. Not something that an author would like to add in his/her NPC mod (since nearly all NPC modders tend to make his/her character a bit more.. special ;) ).

then what about the tob encounter? now renal doesnt need to send his crew to you.
i think this idea is better then the assassines renal would send, as shadowmaster pointed out.

#111161 Renal Bloodscalp dialogue

Posted by Schatten on 20 April 2004 - 05:30 AM in Chloe

then what about the tob encounter? now renal doesnt need to send his crew to you.
i think this idea is better then the assassines renal would send, as shadowmaster pointed out.

Actually, no it wouldn't be. And what makes you all so sure that he'd send a mindless group of assassins to kill her?

sorry. i interpreted your post wrong.
i just wait what you have done for tob. :D because there will be a consequence as you said. cant you give a little hint? :D ;)

#108545 Renal Bloodscalp dialogue

Posted by Schatten on 07 April 2004 - 08:44 AM in Chloe

"That is, Renal is looking down the barrel of a large gun and its pointed at his head. That is Chloe and her new friends. He wants to save his skin"

he is a high lvl leader of a very powerfull organisation. do you really think he has to fear such a little gang? he quaffs a potion and is gone and summons immediatly an asassine squad that backstabs the whole party into sliced bread.

#91143 Valen Expansion Now in Development

Posted by Schatten on 08 February 2004 - 02:20 PM in Valen Expansion

:P ;) back to your work. ;)

#90625 Valen Expansion Now in Development

Posted by Schatten on 07 February 2004 - 10:53 AM in Valen Expansion

Anyone who mentions buffy or takes that programme remotely seriously needs to be sectioned.

i agree here. :D
i disagree with Melkor. valen needs more dialog. i always felt like having a silent killer-machine by my side. like a mp character created by me.

#91337 Valen Expansion Now in Development

Posted by Schatten on 09 February 2004 - 06:26 AM in Valen Expansion

sure thing. wednesday begins my holiday and i havent found work yet so i have enough time to spare. :D ;)

#107897 Valen Expansion Now in Development

Posted by Schatten on 03 April 2004 - 03:27 PM in Valen Expansion

mah has a point there.

" and if you really require sex in a game you need to get out of your friggin cave more often."

huya. what do you mean with going out? there is no world outside my room, isnt there?

#114814 RtW Screenshots

Posted by Schatten on 06 May 2004 - 11:34 PM in Return to Windspear

i dont have problems with the bg2 style and how rtw is written seems great. sure, its different but who cares? they put so much time into this and i think if you have played it one time you dont care anymore. just wait and see it yourself. 2-3 screenies arent enough to get the whole picture.

"RtW is a add-in mod, thus it adds to the completeness of the atmosphere of the original game, rather than a total conversion."

so you dont like the stat-based dialog options and the good/neutral/evil paths and wouldnt have done them??

#151366 Keldorn <3

Posted by Schatten on 10 September 2004 - 02:36 PM in IE Mod Ideas

omg, a group of mature fetish lovers. :o
oh, and i am 50 years old and rich. :D

#141087 Monk Changes

Posted by Schatten on 10 August 2004 - 09:35 AM in Refinements

diamond soul: gains all the res of aasimons. :D

#143905 Monk Changes

Posted by Schatten on 20 August 2004 - 01:11 PM in Refinements

I don't see any downsides in the Perfect Self description...

Wrong, it has one: "The monk will become vulnerable to spells that repel extraplanar creatures."
Take a look at the original description of the feat in IWD2! ;)

hmm...... what spells would hurt the monk, then? i know that in 3ed you can summon an outsider or control one from the enemy but bg2 has no such things. what would the negative effect be then? and i think the pos effect, if its only the mind spells,is not sooo big that there is need for a super big negative effect.

#142017 Monk Changes

Posted by Schatten on 14 August 2004 - 07:37 AM in Refinements

iirc, tgm said he wanted, in the distant future, do something about turning undead. imo its too powerfull. mighty monsters, as vamps are, can be turned away or charmed but not explode. and i also have to say that level draining is nasty (i hate it. thats why i hate vamps) and a monk immune to it is not a good idea.

#141810 Monk Changes

Posted by Schatten on 13 August 2004 - 05:29 AM in Refinements

why not the plain old 3rd ed perfect self? damage red and immun to mind spells?

#141337 Monk Changes

Posted by Schatten on 11 August 2004 - 05:05 AM in Refinements

look at the description of the feat. the monk becomes an outer being. so, imo, its better the effects reflect that somehow.
as i said perhaps some of the resistances of aasimons and a few spell like abilities per day would fit.

#117039 Monk Changes

Posted by Schatten on 18 May 2004 - 05:24 AM in Refinements

+1 round activation time like golden bell for etheral, please.

#112601 Monk Changes

Posted by Schatten on 26 April 2004 - 04:49 AM in Refinements

you cannot compare every character to the ultimate hackerslasherbutcher powergamewetdream character. ;)

the idea is really good. is there something like that in pnp?

#111750 Monk Changes

Posted by Schatten on 22 April 2004 - 04:03 AM in Refinements

do you intend to make monk fists +5? i read something like that here and i think its not a good idea. its too powerfull.

#113935 Monk Changes

Posted by Schatten on 03 May 2004 - 04:15 AM in Refinements

Instead it becomes *very* powerful when the Monk is teamed with a Mage or Sorcerer.  With one person controlling both the party can have two members acting in a friendly Timestop.  Plus since everyone is 'held' in a Timestop all the Monks blows would hit....


that was one thing that was in my mind, too. :D
ts should be unimmuniable (or whatever :lol: )

#114361 Monk Changes

Posted by Schatten on 04 May 2004 - 02:18 PM in Refinements

i already mentioned something like that to tgm from an "official" 3ed rulebook. ;)

#117308 Monk Changes

Posted by Schatten on 19 May 2004 - 04:04 AM in Refinements

great. i like the monk changes. as i see it you can take 2 paths max. very great. :)

"I'm not sure. Is Sanctuary dispellable by TS? If so, than Insignificance will be as well. "

i dont think because its not an illusion. its more like a mind affecting one. dispel can remove it but not ts.

#117050 Monk Changes

Posted by Schatten on 18 May 2004 - 06:09 AM in Refinements

this way you get a few beatings before you are immune to +4 attacks.
otherway the enemies are slashing you even though you are immune and dont get it that they dont hurt you.
and on top you are invis for 4 rounds.
but maybe i am overdoing it. :D ;)

#117317 Monk Changes

Posted by Schatten on 19 May 2004 - 04:30 AM in Refinements

:wacko: what the.....
lets say the beholder has this inborn harmony. then the monk cannot be hasted because this haste is an sideeffect from inner time and if the beholder also has inner time then both cancel each other.