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#458740 Bug Report for 0.50

Posted by agnar on 11 August 2009 - 10:01 AM in Classic Adventures

Bergon's script has some invalid checks for Icar. Not sure if this would matter if Icar isn't in the party or not. However, I went ahead and fixed it. Also, Narcissa should talk to you after you finish with Rilithar. I have this now fixed as well. She also needed some dialog corrections. I didn't include those because you need to recompile and that requires reinstalling or using DLTCEP. But this should work for you.

Just place both in your override folder.

yes, Icar was in my group in piney bluff. i had PC, shadow, icar, rurik, dirbert, and terra for that game.

Do i need to start new games to take advantage of these updates, or is it good enough to use a save game from before entering piney bluff for bergon or mistmoor for narcissa? i'll load the files up and try from saves before i loaded those area maps i guess, and if that doesn't work i'll start a new game.


#458725 Bug Report for 0.50

Posted by agnar on 11 August 2009 - 06:31 AM in Classic Adventures

If you can upload your saved game that would be great. Thank you so much! BTW did you recruit any of the new NPC7s like Bergon or Narissa?

i've started/played 2 different games so far in .50, in the first i went via the lizardmen/mistmoor route, didn't have rilithar in the group and Narcissa had nothing to say to me. This first game i got all the way to westgate before getting crashes when i tried to move onto the temple, so i put that game on hold.

The 2nd game i went to piney bluff, but never got any hint of a bergon joining me option, but i had wanted to try out both new npc's. So not sure what happened there. The 2nd game i played to the end of the ghost tower then got stuck on the selgaunt bridge with no options off.

i'll try to zip and attach both games. Hope they'll be helpful and that i did it correctly for what you guys need, just zipped up the whole save directory.

i installed no mods, only the the game and the patch, then CA .50

Attached Files

#458707 Bug Report for 0.50

Posted by agnar on 10 August 2009 - 11:09 PM in Classic Adventures

Agnar, it must be a bug. This happened before but I got it working. I guess the bug came back. This area is also having problems when returning from Myth Drannor, so the two may be related.

i have a save game if you feel it'd be helpful/needed, or if there's anything you'd like me to try differently from a save game before finishing the ghost tower. Anything that might help, let me know! For the moment i put my playing on hold. i do still need to return to my prior game where i got to westgate and test if i can get to, and inside, the old temple without crashes, so i'll do that and see if that was a 1 time issue or a constant thing.

#458464 Bug Report for 0.50

Posted by agnar on 08 August 2009 - 03:19 PM in Classic Adventures

Terra has no druid shape change abilities. Under her special abilities thing it's totally empty.

priestess joy/benthic quest is still broken. joy still jumps right from not done to already totally resolved, once i talk to benthic, without my ever getting to tell her what happened or give her the gold.

What causes Bergon to be joinable? certain rep level? Bergon seems to think i didn't finish the gauntlet quest, but he gave me the reward for it.

In the ghost tower outside area - ogre mage quaffs a potion error.

A sword spider outside can cast web spell on invisible characters, and cast them all the way across the screen.

skeleton warriors inside the tower are casting spells on invisible characters.

in ghost tower, could only get 2 of 3 gems on first level. lesser air elemental didn't drop a gem and level was totally cleared.

After I cheated in 3rd portal stone to go to 2nd level. some of the mephits on 2nd level don't go hostile, they stay neutral until force attacked.

Terra/Dirbert frolicking in the wilderness dialogue happens at least twice.


#458157 Bug Report for 0.50

Posted by agnar on 05 August 2009 - 04:57 PM in Classic Adventures

A few more bugs, possibly spoiler-ish.


#458095 Bug Report for 0.50

Posted by agnar on 05 August 2009 - 05:35 AM in Classic Adventures

A few more bugs. i'll put the spoiler over them because i'm not totally sure if anything here would be a spoiler or not, so just in case...
* i had to manually put in the spoiler tags, the forum was giving some kind of error, hope i did it correctly


#458094 So what do i do with Elmo???

Posted by agnar on 05 August 2009 - 05:31 AM in Classic Adventures

Uuh, you mean the 4th level drunken fighter that you can hire as a follower in ToEE, at the Village of Hommlet is the same guy we meat at the real Lizardmens fortress that's overrun by the Sahuagin.

:blink: :o Erhm, never saw that coming...

Never played ToEE, and the dying guy never gives a name. But the body's item description is Elmo. :D

#458073 Bug Report for 0.50

Posted by agnar on 04 August 2009 - 10:10 PM in Classic Adventures

Just to update the falastra crash, so long as i don't ask the history of saltmarsh questions and for a room in the inn within the same dialogue, it seems fine. Only when i asked about saltmarsh then for her services did it crash.

A couple more mistmoor items, is Narcissa supposed to be joinable yet? She won't talk to me in the inn, so wasn't sure if she's meant to do anything yet or if she's placed but still in progress.

Should falastra still be willing to join me when mistmoor is completed? i thought she was being changed back to only bring joinable later on in MD? Was just curious about that.

As mentioned, Fala'stra dialog will be fixed in next version. She is joinable after the Mistmoor quest is done. You have to have a high Charisma for this dialog though.

Narcissa should talk to you anytime after you finish talking to Ril. He doesn't need to be in the party but so far I have only tested with him in it. I'll try the other way next.

i think it was perhaps only 1 specific ghast doing the "drinks a potion" error, because it didn't last through the whole crypt area, it stopped after an early battle. i'm not sure where now though. i'll try to find a save before i went down there and try it again, see if i can repeat the error and pick out if it is 1 particular ghast, when it ended.

i didn't have Ril in my group, and Narcissa had nothing to say to me on every visit to the inn, including just after Ril first drafted me to help him. i'm playing a Cavalier, and had a higher rep, not sure it's exact level, but no rep problem.

#458059 Bug Report for 0.50

Posted by agnar on 04 August 2009 - 02:13 PM in Classic Adventures

Just to update the falastra crash, so long as i don't ask the history of saltmarsh questions and for a room in the inn within the same dialogue, it seems fine. Only when i asked about saltmarsh then for her services did it crash.

A couple more mistmoor items, is Narcissa supposed to be joinable yet? She won't talk to me in the inn, so wasn't sure if she's meant to do anything yet or if she's placed but still in progress.

Should falastra still be willing to join me when mistmoor is completed? i thought she was being changed back to only bring joinable later on in MD? Was just curious about that.

#458058 So what do i do with Elmo???

Posted by agnar on 04 August 2009 - 01:54 PM in Classic Adventures

The Elmo storyline never got finished. I'll have to add that to the growing todo list.

That's cool, and quite understandable. i just wondered if i was missing something, so thanks for letting me know i wasn't. :) Don't feel so bad now about dumping Elmo's body in the saltmarsh crypt.

#458026 Bug Report for 0.50

Posted by agnar on 04 August 2009 - 02:41 AM in Classic Adventures

first 2 bugs i found in .50-

in the saltmarsh graveyard tombs I was getting the "ghast quaffs a potion" error.

And bigger to me, the game crashes in mistmoor when i ask falastra the normal "about mistmoor" questions, get all that info, and then ask to see her services. I'll try again today and test more, see if i can succeed so long as i do different options, like rest first or break the talk after getting info then come back to get a room.

#457884 So what do i do with Elmo???

Posted by agnar on 02 August 2009 - 12:50 PM in Classic Adventures

but, playing version .50 now and i've never figured out in my many playthroughs, what am i supposed to do with the dead body Aleigha asks me to take for proper burial from the Lizardmen fortress. I pick up Elmo's body, do everything else, go back to saltmarsh and no one ever mentions it. I'd think Aleigha at least should say "Oh, let's go bury him" or something. So am I missing something or did it just never get written?

Haven't actually come on any bugs this time through so far, a good few small ones from before have indeed been fixed, so great work on this version to this point in the game, just after finishing the lizardmen quests.

#453763 Sneak Peek at 0.50

Posted by agnar on 24 June 2009 - 10:14 PM in Classic Adventures

sory just to know Rhilitar problem has been resolved?

Well keep in mind 0.50 isn't done yet. That was a sneak peek at a work in progress. Besides which, if i recall correctly, they've thought they got rilithar fixed in each version but the naughty little bugger keeps managing to be a problem. So until a new version is in use and play tested thoroughly, there's no real way to know if a problem is 100% fixed or not. i'm sure they'll do all they can to try and fix him. But it's a big program, lots of coding, and some bits are especially intricate in how the interact, like rilithar.

#453420 Sneak Peek at 0.50

Posted by agnar on 21 June 2009 - 12:46 PM in Classic Adventures

Here are a few screen shots of the revamped Westgate city. There are now four outdoor areas and lots of interiors.

Wow, those are really great looking screenshots SBB! Looks to be amazing work, as you guys have always done, and i'm looking forward to it!

#445165 I there a Cleric NPC at start ?

Posted by agnar on 25 April 2009 - 09:44 AM in Classic Adventures

No, I had the material for armor but no gems (sold all), the Hucrece rings but no Fire prot scroll, and a +1 ring but not 20K GPs !
Not a big prob anyway...

i dont think you need anything other than the metal to make the armor, i dont recall needing any certain gems for that.

But you should be able to get rurik to make stuff for you anytime you're in his shop just by talking to him, even when he's in your group.

#444679 bug report for .49a

Posted by agnar on 22 April 2009 - 04:41 PM in Classic Adventures

Shadow's comments about the Zhent mercenaries should be 10 rounds after the talk with the Zhents. It will only trigger if there is no combat so the fight would need to be over by then or it will trigger after the last round of combat. Also, this dialog only triggers if you had agreed to turn her in. Defending her doesn't trigger this talk.

Shadow should talk inside the old house, not outside. Candella should have one outside. If in the party, Dirbert, Erky, and/or Rurik will add to that conversation. On the second floor, Candella should mention the noisy floor.

All of these will only trigger once. So even if you go back to the house, they won't say it again.

i meant her banter about the zhents, found in the bshadow.d file where she says "You... You saved me from those bounty hunters. I never met anyone willing to do that for me before. Thank you." i saw the other stuff in her normal .d file that triggers if i go for turning her over, but i didnt do that dialogue option so didnt expect to see that. But when i was looking back at the huanted house stuff to refresh my memory before posting the bug, i saw that in her banter file she mentions it, but i never got that talk, and it seemed odd she never said anything unless i offer to turn her over.

As for the haunted house dialogs, i will play through the haunted house again if i have a save game from before my first visit there, and i'll make more careful notes, because i'm sure at least some of the dialogs triggered multiple times in my earlier playthrough.

*edit* i had a save game from just before i first visit saltmarsh, so i hit sm again, got the haunted house quest and popped over. This time i paid more attention and here's what i got. When i walk up to the front door of the haunted house, candella does her "not welcoming place" line, followed by dirbert's and rurik's matching lines, nothing from shadow or aleigha.

i went inside and got, surprisingly, no dialogs on the 1st floor, i know shadow and/or rurik should each have something to say here soon after entering, but they didn't trigger for some reason. i did explore 1st floor, walked all about, got the good treasures but no dialogs, though i know some exist.

Went to the 2nd floor and, as earlier, candella did her not welcoming line (instead of the creaky floor line) which the triggered the same lines from dirbert and rurik.

i wont try to guess why the right dialogs didnt trigger, just reporting what i got in my game of .49a

#444676 I there a Cleric NPC at start ?

Posted by agnar on 22 April 2009 - 04:29 PM in Classic Adventures

By the time you get to the thoqqua you should have 3-5 magic weapons, even if they're not the weapons you specialize in, and most of your party ought to be above level 1, if not all. Of course, i don't fight the thoqqua first, i tend to go do other stuff first, hit them last or nearly last.

is this a spoiler? Not sure but just in case

#444480 I there a Cleric NPC at start ?

Posted by agnar on 21 April 2009 - 06:29 AM in Classic Adventures

Thanks for the link ! ...but there's no Rurik outside the Oakhurst tavern in my game, and I can't go to Saltmarsh, so what can I do ? :crying:

EDIT : I' m stupid and impatient, he was just on the "other side" of the inn lol ! Plus I already met him but didn't notice the last dialogue for him to join, thought he was only a merchant.
Whatever, now I can go on, plus he is 2nd level, more CLW ! :rolleyes:

Don't feel too bad. After playing the original BG2 soooo many times, i got to where i only went exactly where i needed to go, not openly exploring everywhere. So when i first began playing CA, i had to conciously force myself to explore all over so i didn't miss anything. It took me awhile to get used to the idea, again, of exploring every inch of every map like i did way back when bg and bg2 were new to me. But the release of new versions/updates so often has helped keep me on my toes. :)

The one thing i had to keep in mind with rurik was to be sure i bought everything i'd need first since you cant buy from him again until saltmarsh, once he joins. First time i had him join too quick, i didn't buy anything. oops :P obviously, when i found i couldn't buy after he joined i reloaded and went shopping first.

#444446 bug report for .49a

Posted by agnar on 20 April 2009 - 11:22 PM in Classic Adventures

Candella has a comment when you get to the second floor.
Shadow has a comment when you to the front door.
Dirbert, Erky, and Rurik all should have possible comments on the first floor. Most of these check to see if the other member is in the team before triggering, thus they shouldn't all say the same thing.

Potions, it seems, are still buggy in the script. I don't ever remember the pirates doing this so I need to see what happened. Probably another random potion that can't be used by that person (Heroism on the mage, Wisdom increases on somebody with high Wisdom already - I don't let them use it, only low status can use stat potions to bump them up, etc).

They didn't all make the same comments as each other. i got candella saying something about the place not looking welcoming, then shadow and candella (i think) each said thier own additional lines. That was out front when i first got there, they were new to me. Then inside, first floor i didn't get the normal lines from shadow, rurik, etc. my first time there, though i walked around and snatched all the stuff on the 1st floor. i went back to town, rested and got stuff id'ed then came back. This time no one said anything outside, and rurik, etc. did their normal 1st floor lines pretty quickly after i entered. Since i'd already cleared the 1st floor i went upstairs, and candella and shadow both said the same lines that they said out front about the place not looking welcome. i'm afraid i'd need to play through the scene again to get exactly which 3 or 4 lines triggered twice.

Also, i was curious, is the shadow banter thanking <charname> for saving her from the zhents supposed to trigger at a set point? i haven't gotten that one, so wasn't sure.

And like i said, this time, it was only 1 or more of the smuggler/pirates in the front part of the cave, near the boat. once i offed them the potion msg stopped, so the guys back by the wizard seemed ok. But yeah, potion use sure as hell seems to enjoy being buggy... Sorry to deliver that bit of news that some folks are still quaffing potions.

#444443 How to install CA "beside" a BiG install ?

Posted by agnar on 20 April 2009 - 10:57 PM in Classic Adventures

It really isn't all that hard folks. I have about 10 versions of BG2 installed. Each one is in a different directory under the Black Isle folder. Only 1 can actually be played at a time. You just rename the folders as needed. So CA v050 is currently my active game folder, BGII - SoA. I rename it to BGII - SoAv50 and then rename another folder to BGII - SoA. Simple.

To get all of these, just install a clean SoA/ToB game, copy that folder to a "Master" folder and use the active game folder for installing mods into. Rename that folder, copy the "Master" back to the active game folder and install the mods you want into that game.

i think for me the hard part is just remembering to make that master copy before installing anything else. Because i have a memory made of swiss cheese, i always seem to forget to make that backup, clean copy of the game. Like, when you put out .49a, i had removed the .49 install and begun playing a bg2 version with the normal setup and a few new (to me) character mods. When i saw .49a available i decided i wanted to play CA again. This time i copied my BG2 modded directory and put it in a renamed directory so i could go back and pick the game up from where i stopped, then ran an uninstall and reinstalled clean to put CA on. Of course i still f'ed up because i forgot to keep a clean copy for any future such needs and just installed CA .49 and .49a.

Ah well, i tend to focus on 1 game until i get through or get bored. Though i know in the case of modders like yourself you'd need lots of versions, for testing and for personal down time both. Thanks for clarifying it really is that easy. :)

#444192 How to install CA "beside" a BiG install ?

Posted by agnar on 19 April 2009 - 07:01 AM in Classic Adventures

I'm an old long-time BG fan (since 97 !), and just returning . I've found the incredible BiG mod/utility and just put back "Super-BG" with a ton of mods/extensions, and now I find this : CA, the mythical p&p modules I played 30 years ago with friends !!

So I'd really want to play it, but how can I put it "in addition" to the rest (no way I deinstall all the stuff it took hours to install !) ?
Can I use the old multi-install utility ? Or maybe tweaking a couple registry entry will do it ?

And BTW, I can't find on the CA site what is really in the current v0.49 - do we have A1 to A3, as the screenshots suggest ? Some more ?


Hi, im not the one to answer your first questions on the install. But i think i can answer the content question.

Currently you start off choosing between the sunless citadel module or palace of the silver princess module. After finishing that, you move on to saltmarsh were you do the U1 module, then can choos between doing the rest of the U series, U2 and 3, or doing UK2 and 3 and i think C2 is also a default part of that path.

You can then go through a couple of adventures i'm not sure if they're from modules or original creations, before hitting the A1-4 series of modules or going straight to the A series (though skipping adventures can make the A series tough as hell).

So on the "features" page i think the only ones not currently included are the G series, the lost caverns of tsojconth, and maybe X2 (castle amber, though the mistmoor adventure available between the U/UK series and the A series does resemble the description, but not sure if it's based on amber or not).

So while it's far from complete, vision-wise and content-wise, there's a ton of game time/real time play already available. One thing to think about though is, it's a complete rebuild, all the bhaalspawn stuff is totally absent. If you're in the midst of a BG bhaalspawn play through and tend to prefer focusing on one game, finishing it start to end first, then you may want to hold off on downloading CA until you're ready to play it. The amazing speed these guys seem able to put out updates/new versions/fixes, it may be on a new version by the time you finish the BiG playthrough.

i know they've already put out a second huge new update and mulitple patches in the short time i've been playing CA. But if you like to play mulitple games at the same time and someone here cna tip you on how to do a multi-install safely, then it's well worth the download as is. :)

#444189 bug report for .49a

Posted by agnar on 19 April 2009 - 06:40 AM in Classic Adventures

since you said you fixed or thought you fixed most of the posted .49 bugs i thought you might prefer this in a new thread. But if not, let me know.

i've only just begun a new run through with .49a so only have 1 bug run into so far. im not totally sure if this was one you thought was fixed but upon entering the smuggler caverns beneath the haunted house (the actual cavern part, through the secret door, not the first bunch of rooms), i got that old evil "smuggler quaffs a potion" message over and over. It did stop once i fought and killed the first group of guys near the little boat. so one or more of them might still be using some kind of wrong script or potion still i guess.

Oh i forgot, i also got new dialogue from um shadow, candella and dirbert (i think) that came up twice, once out front of the haunted house and again when i got to the 2nd floor. This *might* be because i went in and explored the first floor, then candella was suddenly exhausted (i forgot to rest in saltmarsh after arriving) so i went back to town, rested, then came back and went upstairs, etc. But it didn't trigger again when i came back to the front of the house, only after i got to the 2nd floor.

But, i did like the new dialogues i got so far, so great work on those and i didn't see any potion quaffing in the silver princess, no bugs there at all that i can recall or made note of. Even the cath/aleigha battle went well and i was able to get aleigha on only the second try. (first time i just had a bad strategy and bad luck, not a bug.)

#443541 Bug Report for Version 0.49

Posted by agnar on 13 April 2009 - 06:41 PM in Classic Adventures

The Mistmoor rewards has been a constant battle for me. It doesn't help any that we keep adding and removing NPCs from the game (a poke at Leahnkain here).

In the new version 0.49a, I have run through several teams and am getting positive results. However, I did forget to include Terra. Hmmm, she doesn't summon into MD either. Interesting. BTW, she has a soundset now. Yea!

Rurik's dialog now fixed. Rilithar...have to put on hold. The rep issue is a stinker. I guess as long as he follows the party, the bad rep won't hurt him. It does ruin the idea that a paladin would never hire a bunch of lowlifes but that also eliminates your chance of doing this quest and therefore can't do the Myth Drannor quest either. That would make your party much lower in XP than others and would make the slaver mods much harder. However, you can't claim it as my fault if the slaver mods are that much harder, it is your fault for the low rep. Consider it a consequence in life... We'll have to think about the best option for that one.

Well it would seem like one solution (for future releases of course) would be to have another quest/series of quests that are only available if you dont take the mistmoor path, like the prior choice between the gauntlet and lizardmen choice. i know any other quests, like the giants, are still awhile away probably, but you could always hold the reputation thing as a fix to be added once that other quest is available. So maybe you can get to mistmoor but if the rep is too low, rilithar decides not to ask for your help but the other quest becomes available. Falastra or someone else in the bar/inn might mention something more suited to someone of "your low reputation". :)

i figured the mistmoor quest rewards thing had been a headache, so many different party combos and each person getting thier own interaction, it's got to be easy to make some tiny error in all that code. Glad it seems to be working now, look forward to that!

#443538 BG2Fixpack

Posted by agnar on 13 April 2009 - 06:31 PM in Classic Adventures

without going and looking over all the inclusions in the fixpack i can just say i would trust your judgement on what's needed/helpful to make CA run more smoothly. And i would definitely say do what is easiest on you. You folks have enough work to do making CA without adding excess work/effort of having to track and update stuff from the fixpack and so on.

Also i think it's easier on the users, knowing we can get the fixes but only worry about installing one mod. Thats one thing i like about CA, i get the "whole new world" feel, all new npc's and so on, without having to install a couple dozen different mods and worrying about compatibilities, install order and so on.

So whichever way is the easiest on you and anyone else working on CA seems like the best option to me. :)

#443077 Bug Report for Version 0.49

Posted by agnar on 10 April 2009 - 08:17 PM in Classic Adventures

My party at the Mistmoor Manor quest was, Althon+Catharandamus+Rihn+Vildamyr+Terra and there was great talk about becoming Knight, Vildamyr receiving a bottle of vine, and all... but I got nothing real out of that quest, not even experience points. I really should have killed that idiot, but the other idiot(Catharandamus) called that Erebus ghost idiot and that was it, the idiot... :lol:
OK, so I checked and Vildamyr received the bottle actually, but as his inventory was full, he dropped it. By the way, should I keep this, and no gulp it down, as I know it's prise, but I can't sell it. ^_^ Just a little hint, but no spoilers.

By the way, the skeletons in the room with Erebus didn't all turn against me, so I had to kill some of them by going by force attack, so there is something off on their scripts. :o Perhaps they need a convenient "Race" script.

Next, I went to Myth D... and I could summon Catharandamus, but then I could ask him again :blink: , and did but of course he he didn't as he stood right next to me already, so there is no cloning. And I didn't have the option to summon Terra :mellow: ... Gotta go with those and Rivian then, good stuff.

i've noticed that the mistmoor rewards talk is very sensitive. having certain npc's in your group breaks the talk from rilithar ending it early so the PC doesn't get the knighting bit. . i recall shadow did it, not sure which others cause an issue. i was also disappointed with the "cath in party" interaction in the vault myself. :)

And i cant believe i forgot to ever mention the skeletons in the vault. It seems like it is very hit and miss which go hostile, maybe it's a proximity thing? But it seems like the ones at the outer edges of the room are most often non-hostile and i have to force attack them as Jarno says.