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#576562 Brand New Installation

Posted by Quiet on 07 April 2015 - 12:29 AM in Mega Mod Help

I think this happened because you install RoT's kits without a main component. If so, try to copy files cadder2.cre, cadder3.cre, cadder5.cre and cadderly.cre from RoTerror\CRE\nostring to your override folder and repeat Vault installation.

#576076 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 18 March 2015 - 03:38 AM in Mega Mod Help

There should not be any conflict. It seems somewhere in the code climbed unfortunate mistake and guess I'm know where. Will be fixed later.

#575840 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 07 March 2015 - 01:34 PM in Mega Mod Help

Very cool! Would you please do this (if it is not implemented yet) for Gavin BG1 mod v9 beta with the german translation that is in the German Textpack?

Done. So now mod is not available in German as it is only partially translated?

#575830 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 07 March 2015 - 01:26 AM in Mega Mod Help

BWS is already uses the latest version of Ascalons Questpack and so I think the problem in BW Textpack which replaces the mod files its own.

Just fixed, download a new version of BWS.

#575791 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 05 March 2015 - 03:41 AM in Mega Mod Help

or should we download master.zip from ALien signature to have those incorporated?

Yes, use link from Alien signature.

#575786 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 05 March 2015 - 12:09 AM in Mega Mod Help

Ser Elryk, thanks for your detailed report.


-- Problems During Extraction --
Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition Graphics Overhaul

If after this mod is installed properly, then do not pay attention to it.


-- Problems During Installation –

BG1 Unfinished Business:
Area Corrections and Restorations

Fixed (thanks to AstroBryGuy)


-- Problems During Installation –

BP-BGT Worldmap



** BG2EE **
Innershade - Components 0000: Colours of Infinity: Innershade, & 0002: Talks for original Bioware NPCs
The boxes are unchecked but highlighted green.

The answer to all similar questions: this is not a bug, so conceived.


Almateria's Restoration Project; The mod name is highlighted green, but all the boxes are highlighted blue.

Ding0's Quest Pack (Shouldn't this be listed under Quest Mods instead?)



Big Picture (Now an Expert Mod), is still checked in the Standard version along with several components)

Yes, a few components were specially marked as standard.


NPC Kitpack - Component 2500: Give Nalia Adventurer Kit, & Give Nalia a Mage Kit (2510: Abjurer), are both checked and highlighted green. (Wouldn't they conflict?)

No, originally Nalia has dualclass thief/mage, this mod allows you to make her an adventurer/abjurer, for example.





Sword Coast Stratagems:
Component ????: Treat mages' and priests' High-Level Abilities as innate rather than memorisable spells

Uh... what?


It also said at the end of installation "21918 files exist in your override-folder. The game may slow down if around 10.000 files are present. Thus please make sure the game runs fine. If that's not the case, load and install the Generalized Biffing mod."
(The Generalized Biffing Mod was not included in the MOD SELECTION section. Is it not yet compatible with BG2EE?)

Added Generalized Biffing. And about compatibility soon find out...


-- Just Some Minor Comments --

BG1EE "Recommended" version

T'was a Slow Boat from Kara-Tur is selected, but is highlighted blue.

Chantelame [EN]:
In-game text is not English.



*Big World Project* Standard version

-- Side Notes –

Ascalon's Questpack [EN] has some quest/npc texts which are either not in English or in very broken English

Mod updated (thanks to Jastey).


Silver Star NPC. The description says "You should always have Silver Star in your party if you install the mod. because if you don't do that, dialogues get scrumbled and it causes a faulty game."
Shouldn't this mod be changed to "Expert" with that in mind?

Hmm, maybe. We'll think about it.


"The following mod(s) could not be downloaded:
Mixed IWDII Fixes: The Mod itself (IWD2_sorcerers_fixes.7z)*
*  Cannot proceed installation without this essential mod."
I can't find this anywhere. Could you update the link, perhaps?

In the evening I'll try to update the link if until that time no one will upload it.


-- Side Note --
During (or after) installation, the T'Was a Long Boat from Kara-tur mod places a karatur folder in both my BG1EE Directory, AND directly in my C: Drive.

If mod does it himself, then I'm here cannot help, sorry.


About that

 ERROR: illegal 2-byte read from offset 1012322 of 8498-byte file SPWI317.SPL

ERROR: [SPWI317.SPL] -> [override/SPWI317.SPL] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("SPWI317.SPL: read out of bounds"))

 I just searched the "SPW1317.SPL" File in the "override" Folder and deleted it.

SCS puts in a new file during the installation and it seems to work

I have already tried to fix it, thanks.


One thing though: do we still need to manually replace 7zip with a never version, or this is already taken care of?

There is nothing to replace, everything is works fine.


There is a bug between Ascalon Breagar BG1 NPC (german translation [no idea if the english one is faulty as well]) and the Viconia component of BG1 NPCs at Beginning.

 If you have Ascalon with ya and meet Viconia at her new Friendly Arm Inn Spawn location, the Flaming Mercenary who is supposed to chase her will not spawn due to a new state (25/28, which triggers the spawn) in the BGVICONI.DLG with this action (which seems to be the old spawn location):

Thanks, I'll look.

#575706 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 01 March 2015 - 09:36 AM in Mega Mod Help


Which version of BWS do you use and on which game to install (BGT/BGEE)? I just checked the latest version on BGT and I have everything well installed.