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#150016 Possible Quests

Posted by BobTokyo on 06 September 2004 - 04:12 PM in SMM / RM

Hey guys,

I thought of this more as a political thing ... wouldn't the CW have some agreement with Mystra to be able to police magic in Amn, anyway, since that's basically her job as I understand it? Wouldn't a priest of Mystra in the area upset their political standing and authority? Just wondering.


She's a Goddess. Politics are not an issue for her. ;) However, they might have some sort of understanding with her Church, and that could lead to an interesting conflict.

#149655 Non-romancable npc

Posted by BobTokyo on 05 September 2004 - 07:17 PM in IE Mod Ideas

So long as it's an interesting NPC, that could be fun. It would be best (imo) if the NPC had some other primary quest or storyline. The "fling" might be best as an optional side note.

#148751 A Hearty Welcome

Posted by BobTokyo on 02 September 2004 - 08:47 AM in Scribbles on the Wall

Welcome Beyshaliban-Sama.  :)

#148309 Possible Quests

Posted by BobTokyo on 01 September 2004 - 08:32 AM in SMM / RM

Thanks MC, it's an interesting plot. I might do something like this. However, the next upgrade will be mostly technical. Quests will come in the upgrade after that.

#148308 Possible Quests

Posted by BobTokyo on 01 September 2004 - 08:29 AM in SMM / RM

One slight problem: the Cowled Wizards wouldn't want to upset Mystra too much, otherwise she might prevent them from being able to cast spells :).

I doubt that, they could ally with other gods to grant them spells (and I doubt Ao would allow Mystra to forbid someone from spellcasting :P )

I don't agree here Feanor. Arcane casters are pretty much limited to Mystra or no one. Further, magic is her portfolio, and she gets to set the rules (according to official realms lore). Ao did not step in when she forbid creatures in the realms from accessing entire types of magic; I think he'd let her forbid a few of her own arcane casters from accessing the weave.

#148118 Comments, questions, feedback

Posted by BobTokyo on 31 August 2004 - 09:21 PM in SMM / RM

All great ideas, and thanks. As soon as work calms down a bit, I'll see what I have time to do. :)

This mod will get at least one more shakedown and polish in the near future.

#148020 hygeine mod

Posted by BobTokyo on 31 August 2004 - 02:51 PM in IE Mod Ideas

It is worth noting that the only indoor bathrooms in all of Amn are apparently in Nalia's keep.

This may explain its importance.

#147935 Main char dying

Posted by BobTokyo on 31 August 2004 - 11:26 AM in IE Mod Ideas

My personal theory re: Imoen is that she's the child of a Bhaalspawn rather than the child of Bhaal :).

That makes sense - although presumably Bhaal would not have wondered in flesh for very long... that would make her a whole generation older then you, which doesn't seem to make much sense...

One of the official Bhaalspawn is a full grown Dragon with an adult son, so we're talking a few hundred years old at least. Bhaal had aparently been planning for his ressurection for a long time. ;)

#147761 Werewolf and Vampire PC

Posted by BobTokyo on 31 August 2004 - 02:57 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Isn't there even an mod out there or being made about a thief girl with Lycantrophy? Or something

You may be thinking of the Delainy mod over at Gibberlings Three. I'm looking forward to that one as well.

#147609 Werewolf and Vampire PC

Posted by BobTokyo on 30 August 2004 - 05:43 PM in IE Mod Ideas

The werewolf is dead easy, as the ability is already available in the game. The vampire is tough, but possible; one way of doing it is to have an encounter that runs a script to turn the PC into a vampire. You'd have to build all of the vampire additions and subtractions you wanted.

There was a mod that did something close to this called Forgotten Children hosted on the TeamBG forums; you might be able to find someone who has a copy you can look at for ideas.

#147198 Interparty Banters and Chats you would LOVE to see

Posted by BobTokyo on 29 August 2004 - 12:34 PM in IE Modding Discussion

The cross mod banter pack is being worked on here . :)

#146517 Overused Ideas in BG-series

Posted by BobTokyo on 27 August 2004 - 04:37 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Although I guess pretty colourful (I'm British so don't tell me my spelling is wrong) people would get attracted to adventuring anyway. I mean your not going to get 'CHARNAME' the 36 year old housewife with two children, human, in a happy marriage, oh, and she just happens to be a level 16 kensai/mage.  :rolleyes:

I can think of a few adventure stories where a maried man with kids went off to fight evil (the "Lethal Weapon" series from the USA comes to mind, Schwatzenegger's "True Lies", and a few Japanese and Chinese films). Vimes isn't going to stay home just because he's a father now. I can't see why a 36 year old heroic female level 16 Kensai/Mage wouldn't head off to face evil if she had to. ;)

#146403 New Organization

Posted by BobTokyo on 27 August 2004 - 10:59 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Would this be the famed "17th way to spellhold" mod?

It does seem to get discussed quite often, eh? ;)

And yet, as far as I know, no one ever sits down and makes it . . .

#146375 New Organization

Posted by BobTokyo on 27 August 2004 - 08:41 AM in IE Mod Ideas

1) If you work for the Cowled Wizards (Neutral Option), they could send you to Spellhold to find out why it had broken contat with the mainland.

2) The Radiant Heart (LG option) could send you to investigate reports of brutality towards the prisoners, in an effort to gather evidence in order to reduce the power of the Cowled ones in Athkathla. The churches of Helm or Lathander might do the same.

3) The Temple of Talos (CE option) might have detected eminations of great power coming from Spellhold; they could send you to investigate, or they could have received a bribe from Bodhi to trick you into going (and thus remove you as a potential rival to the higher ups in the temple).

4) The Spirit of the Druid Grove, or the Spirit outside of the Ranger's Cabin, could send you to investigate a disturbance in the balance caused by Irenicus' experiments.

5) If you have Nalia's stronghold, she could receive word that her cousin is in Spellhold, and beg or bribe you to rescue him; the letter would have been a trick by Irenicus.

#145944 Beta 2 Week Begins

Posted by BobTokyo on 26 August 2004 - 11:25 AM in Hubelpot

I've been playing catch up at work after last week. I'll have time for a Beta2 marathon this weekend. After that, "soon." ;)

#145817 Fairly normal merc NPC

Posted by BobTokyo on 26 August 2004 - 06:33 AM in IE Mod Ideas

I don't think we can rule out new NPCs just because they have something in common with older NPCs. ;) The difference is in the details.

#145438 Fairly normal merc NPC

Posted by BobTokyo on 25 August 2004 - 09:15 AM in IE Mod Ideas

A serious, reliable LG female Gnome tinker (Cleric/Thief) could be interesting.

I don't think that a theif can be LG, though. ;)

In 2nd Ed, True. :)

TN then.

#145428 Fairly normal merc NPC

Posted by BobTokyo on 25 August 2004 - 08:42 AM in IE Mod Ideas

After all there must be plenty of regular guys among magical races as well....

A serious, reliable LG female Gnome tinker (Cleric/Thief) could be interesting. Her main problem in life; most of the male Gnomes she meets are annoying or insane, which cuts down her marriage prospects considerably. Maybe a potential romantic interest for male Dwarves, Halflings, or LG Gnomes?

#144908 2 quite difficult mods

Posted by BobTokyo on 24 August 2004 - 04:05 AM in IE Mod Ideas

1) I think that this project would be easier to do by giving people a choice of NPCs to be in the cages as they install the mod. The easiest way to do it would probably be to expand on the similar components in BP-BGT; I think that Hlidskialf is the current custodian of that mod while Horred is off modding for NWN, so you might want to contact him. This is by far the bigger of the two projects.

I think letting the Evil team go for revenge or power works better than a rescue, but that's just one opinion.

2) I don't use Evil CHARNAMES or NPCs that often, so I'm the wrong one to ask if the project is silly. :) It is possible, and there will be an audience out there for it. Voicing will sound best if you replace the entire Aerie voice set, but giving Vampire Aerie a new voice would work as well, and it would take less effort.

3) I usually test out as a LG Mage-Bard, but it has been a while. ;) Probably a thread or two on that test still floating around somewhere.

#144899 2 quite difficult mods

Posted by BobTokyo on 24 August 2004 - 03:16 AM in IE Mod Ideas

1) Keeping your BG1 party: Should be possible. Easy enough with Edwin (requires re-writing Maevar's quest) and Vic. The rest of the BG1 NPCs are easy to port over, but will require large amounts of dialog and some side-quest re-writes to really fit in BG2 (Aerie's quest needs re-writing if you port over Quayle, the paladin quest needs one small tweek if you port over Ajantis, etc.).

2) Evil Aerie. Possible, no harder than most NPC projects. Much of the content might have to be in TOB, as there isn't that much left to do in SOA by that point for many parties.

#144881 Fairly normal merc NPC

Posted by BobTokyo on 24 August 2004 - 02:22 AM in IE Mod Ideas

In some ways I think it's easier to write well for a character who has had a less over-the-top life. There are plenty of ex-military folks out there who've hit a rough patch, people who are smart and tough but are now finding it difficult to make a buck. Their stories and attitudes would work very well for a straghtforward merc with only a few changes.  These sort of characters also serve as a nice contrast to CHARNAME and Imoen, and fit in well with the Bioware NPCs.

So, sounds good. :)

#144806 Better Banters and Friendship with All NPCs mods?

Posted by BobTokyo on 23 August 2004 - 03:33 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I'd welcome a mod that adds multiple banters to Bioware NPCs.

A mod that re-writes banters made by other modders would anger many people. The banters those modders wrote are their hard work, including the reactions of the bioware NPCs; most modders will not want to see their work re-written without their permission. If you disagree with those reactions, fair enough; you can always write the Bioware crew as you'd like in your mod, and not install mods you dislike.

By the way, why not register?

#143433 My thoughts...

Posted by BobTokyo on 19 August 2004 - 03:54 AM in Hubelpot

Very nice, all of it. :)

If I can think of a way to include Hub, the first banter may make it in.

#143331 My thoughts...

Posted by BobTokyo on 18 August 2004 - 07:57 PM in Hubelpot

Bravo. :)

Still, I think this would be better suited for the Viconia Relationship Mod.


I would absolutely be interested in a Monty Python Jansen Banter. :D

#143073 Can the faithless be resurected in the Realms?

Posted by BobTokyo on 18 August 2004 - 05:53 AM in Delusions of the Mind

Personally, I feel the idea of the "resurrection that doesn't work" is over done... It's almost a cliche, particularly in Realms books where deities and their clerics are almost universally avoided (and if clerics are included, they're usually low powered, fanatical, or incompetent (and usually they're all three)). *sigh* It's a personal gripe of mine.

Almost certainly true. :) The problem is that so many dramatic plots depend on the lost lover, the fallen friend, the loved one beyond reach, etc.

It's very tough to write a tale of loss when the Death of X can be fixed at any time by a visit to the local priest. At most, you can get some mild pathos out of a poor family trying to save up to bring back a loved one, but then that says something dark about the motivations of "Good" priests.

For that matter, the certainty of an afterlife makes many sorts of story less viable.

For this dialog, I need a tragedy. If it's trite, I'll have to live with that. ;)