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#610530 Tobex not fully uninstalling (Solved)

Posted by Sir-Kill on 21 January 2021 - 08:21 PM in ToBEx

I had uninstalled a component or two from cdtweaks and upon reinstalling it did not recognize that tobex was installed, despite that the tobex window was there.

I uninstalled and re-installed some to all mods and tobex, trying to figure out the problem.
The game knew it was installed (4 weapon slots) but tweaks could not get 'faster movement out of combat' to load/install, "not for your game" but when I loaded the game the characters would walk fast for about 3 -5 seconds then revert to the slower speed.

10 years gone and I remember shs password too.

The fix was I had to remove the folders named:

files named:

tho I expect the two folders had the most to do with it.

BTW great mod!

#610532 Tobex not fully uninstalling (Solved)

Posted by Sir-Kill on 22 January 2021 - 06:44 AM in ToBEx

Well the files in the tobex/ini folder was my meaning. Anyway to fully uninstall; those might have to be removed, as in my case.

The full story (or at least more):
Actually I found out about ToBEx when trying to install scs (kept freezing on install) that failed but I kept TobEx. The only other mod I have that uses ToBex was tweaks and I ended up uninstalling that, lvl1npc, and 1pp, those were after tweaks I uninstalled ToBex via weidu, ran the game and still saw the fast run for 3 sec.
did the whole processes again (no change, man, I wish tweaks had a full config file). uninstalled all that again uninstalled tobex deleted the aforementioned files (not the folders).
installed ToBex, downloaded autohaste from argent off beamdog. It also said 'not for my game' so then I knew ToBex was not cleanly/completely uninstalled.

Then I deleted the folders, and voila it worked again.

#610636 Beregost Crashes Solved!

Posted by Sir-Kill on 24 February 2021 - 12:26 PM in BGT Archive

A bit late to this but just wanted to say what others have said, good job! I had newer version and was noticing the it had not crashed then did a google search "fixed bgt beregost crash" and low and behold a great thing happened (10 years ago)

#610652 New developer resources

Posted by Sir-Kill on 13 March 2021 - 08:38 AM in 1PP

I have a small group request:
1&2 are versions.
1. If you could change the grouping to put the # pulldown next to the color then the color text that would be optimal. (I keep changing the wrong one).
       2. If that it a bit too much work put boxes around the group could be single subtle color for each, or unique colored boxes for each.

3. Add a view transparency button to hide or view the #1 Green color. Thanks for considering, if you need any graphics let me know (such as the bg2 background).
Oh crap! I forgot one thing; when using the random color button a lock button next to the color you like (instead of writing it down) would also be nice. Then I can go back to mashing the random button
No rush.

#610653 PS gui v3.04

Posted by Sir-Kill on 13 March 2021 - 06:39 PM in IE Modding Tools

link in first post is missing -ps-gui/ at the end. I was looking for plt to bam and found this. You are a madman. :)

#610657 PS gui v3.04

Posted by Sir-Kill on 14 March 2021 - 04:25 PM in IE Modding Tools

Yeah, I noticed that but I could not figure out as to why. I moved all plt's out of my override, now NI can view/extract them. There is potential x 16 now.

#610659 PS gui v3.04

Posted by Sir-Kill on 14 March 2021 - 11:12 PM in IE Modding Tools

Well I found out why she did that. Erephine or someone added more colors than the original game; plt's crash when those higher colors are used on them.

#610660 PS gui v3.04

Posted by Sir-Kill on 14 March 2021 - 11:19 PM in IE Modding Tools

Hahaha, ok It is late and I have been at this for hours. I placed the 'higher color' # in the location spot.
Time for sleep.
Edit: So no crash
move along, nothing to see here

#610663 SHS Suggestions and Problems Thread

Posted by Sir-Kill on 18 March 2021 - 12:52 PM in Directives from the Director

Sorry Elsa is my girl she gets a little ... rambunctious when not enough attention is paid to her. I'll totally make it up to you. I just need 2 pieces of ID, your bank account number, mothers maiden name, and blood type. Oh and btw what was the name of you first pet again?

#610664 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Sir-Kill on 18 March 2021 - 02:47 PM in BG2 Improved GUI

I might have to snag this mod. I noticed the dividers for the numbers were a bit plain. I made something that looks a bit alive like a tree to fit in with the rest of the gui.
Hope you find it useful
Just how many stupid f@#king scripts and popups does the frickin' site need just to upload an image

Attached Images

  • GuiTree.png

#610667 Creating custom paperdoll items

Posted by Sir-Kill on 18 March 2021 - 10:41 PM in IE Tutorials

I'm looking to add some new paperdoll images specifically using plt but reading notes it seems like you can't assign a new armor ppd the 2 character index w/o having a ton of bams for the avatar. I am not looking to do anything with avatars.

Is there some way to circumvent this something like "hey game just use these that are all ready and waiting" but you know in computer speak.

I was thinking that having more than one human male fighter plate armor type (as an example)


I have already done one chmf4inv.plt that turned out better than the original.plt and better than the bam
I also did 1 chmf4inv.bam that format sucks, that turned out uh, passable.

#610671 Creating custom paperdoll items

Posted by Sir-Kill on 19 March 2021 - 04:18 PM in IE Tutorials

I was thinking cdtweaks 'avatar morphing script', or 1pp smart 'avatar and armor switching' has something like what I am asking (I think).

#610676 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Sir-Kill on 20 March 2021 - 05:52 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

I knew that stylistically it would be different.
Using the two tone I tried to get the colors near correct but that screenshot of yours was so bright. I used your screenshot changed the contrast and brightness just to get close to what I have.

At first I just drew vines wrapped around your dividers but that did not fit so then I added the 'tree'.
I could not be certain of where the image would lie (as your dividers do not touch the existing borders) so I just tried to get close enough to make it look like I was not trying to reach the edges.

If it is the colors I could try to change them.
If it is the style I could just copy some of the existing gui pieces, mash them together, to make something else. But I would need to know if there anything (chu-wise)in the way or just make the image right over the top of the screenshot.

#610678 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Sir-Kill on 20 March 2021 - 08:23 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

Ah, figured but was not sure, with that in mind I already started on a new one just after posting.
Looks like you are a little crammed for space near the player color picker.

I noticed that you are using either the original plt or bam for human male fighter plate chmf4inv bam/plt.
is that un-modded or from a mod if so which. (I have had 1pp installed so long I forget what is displayed normally) I have been working on the plt and changed some of the color locations(added a color too), contrast, and soothed out many of the pixels Like the ear and hair.

Who did the paperdoll swords?

#610680 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Sir-Kill on 20 March 2021 - 11:01 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

We have different backgrounds so I removed them, just paste this over yours should be fine.
The jagged edges should blend in.
you might have to edit the color changer area a bit I moved it up.

There really no need to have googleapis.com just to upload a gd image. no other forum needs it.

#610683 BG2 Improved GUI

Posted by Sir-Kill on 21 March 2021 - 05:42 AM in BG2 Improved GUI

I see that editing that image could be a bit difficult so I upped a mos

Attached Files

#610686 Delving into PLT

Posted by Sir-Kill on 21 March 2021 - 06:06 PM in IE Tutorials

Erephine at the time of her writing and creation of 1pp did not care for plt's


BG2 has a new format called PLT for inventory graphics. This format sucks though, and theres no good editor around for it.

However times have changed and ....




I have been delving into .PLT files I wanted to know what Colors were available and why there were unwanted transparencies that come into the paperdoll. I believe I have found out why.



First what the image represents 1-6:

1 Is the image I converted into a PLT

2 Is an image I composted into something to ease to see. This could have been much smoother if I could use an image that contained 16m color but the image size 120x160 makes that impossible. However the image used does have over 17.5k!

3 Profit!

4 Is another image I converted into a PLT to remove curves and jagged edges

5 As it says.

6 Smaller screen grabs with gradients applied to the item.


What the colors do and do not for you.


Wherever an R,G,B Black-0,0,0 occurs it will be Shadow (simple).

Other colors will render shadow as well.*

Any single R, G, or B that hits 255 and it seems the range is, about a combined 66 of the other colors i.e. R255 g15 b 56 will also be transparent (this was more difficult to figure).


The large and small blocks of color image2 that is the color ranges plts use and what the game considers location 0-6 (btw the black sections are the gray color realm)


From Erephine's bam plt file format guide

On a PLT...
There is no palette as such. A PLT stores information differently:
Every pixel has a 'brightness' setting which can range from 0 to 254 (255 is transparent). It also has a second bit of information which tells the game which of the seven gradients it is supposed to be (0 to 7, where 7 is shadow).
This means you have 255 shades for every gradient as opposed to 12 on a BAM. However, it also means you have *no* merged shades whatsoever. If you have one colour bright red, and one bright blue, there simply is no purple. As a result, soft edges on the size you're working on (like 128 by 160) are not possible.

This information is outdated and incorrect, since  WizWom's work.

If you don't believe me look at the the first image an tell me where there is no blending.

PLT is easier to work with and produces smoother results



Big Thanks toWizWom for plt to bmp and bmp to plt (and the other converters)

and Sam for PS Gui for making WizWoms work easy to use and Pallet Mixer/Generator

and Argent77 for making 1001 updates to NI and indirectly making it useful to me.



The 7zip file contains an .ODT (open office) file that has more technical details

Attached Images

  • PLTPosting.png

Attached Files

  • Attached File  Post.7z   21.45K   185 downloads

#610687 Delving into PLT

Posted by Sir-Kill on 21 March 2021 - 09:10 PM in IE Tutorials

Here are 3 images of Ajantis wearing ankheg plate. As the image states the settings are all the same only difference is the first image plt I edited.

This is a mixed image of file limitations and 'artist' skill. +400%

I have made armor and a helm so far. I'll work on off hand weapons and shield (I tested a shield and it seemed to work fine)


Thanks to wiki so I have names for the armor parts


EDIT: I missed a color dot /cuisse is the thigh plate

Attached Images

  • Ankheg Big.png

#610698 Delving into PLT

Posted by Sir-Kill on 24 March 2021 - 08:32 PM in IE Tutorials

Here is a 7 color shield. Colors ranges from 32-38. I made this with 7 for demonstrative purposes. I had a difficult time cramming that many in a unique pattern in such a small area. I used the cshld30.bam as a guide.

Attached Images

  • 7-ColorShield.png

#610709 TobEx not working

Posted by Sir-Kill on 26 March 2021 - 05:32 AM in IE Help

I'm no expert and JM will probably be around soon to answer... What os are you using win10? Where did you install bg?
Any way if you installed it in program files with win 10 that is probably the problem.
Do you have any other mods installed? If you have a long list post your weidu log

#610712 TobEx not working

Posted by Sir-Kill on 26 March 2021 - 09:19 AM in IE Help

WTF? " Unzip the archive directly into your BGT Directory and run “setup-TobEx.exe”.



As far as I know it goes in the bgII Soa directory.


That is where mine is an works perfectly.

#610719 TobEx not working

Posted by Sir-Kill on 26 March 2021 - 01:14 PM in IE Help

is it the key ..8*, 9(, 0) or the numberpad 0insert and is number lock on?
I use ms10 for games and ubuntu for everything else for over 10 years

#610721 TobEx not working

Posted by Sir-Kill on 26 March 2021 - 01:44 PM in IE Help

Are you sure that the file contents (Setup-TobEx.exe and TobEx folder) are in your bg2 (where your chitin.key is) folder and not the bgt folder? I do not see why a keystroke would not register. Have you tried any other mod?

#610723 TobEx not working

Posted by Sir-Kill on 26 March 2021 - 04:07 PM in IE Help

Well if you hit 'enter' to close when you uninstalled and did not click X to close the window.

Ok so you know that at least weidu does work with your current machine, right? Try a tiny mod like dungeon be gone

Direct Link

Might just be an installer/download issue if not I might be out of ideas.


1 more thought your anti-virus? try disabling it

#610724 Delving into PLT

Posted by Sir-Kill on 26 March 2021 - 07:06 PM in IE Tutorials

Here is Minsc equipped with the helm of glory, Modeled after 1pp's inventory bam of the same. I wanted the dents but the extra detail made it look worse. Notice the shadow on the eye region of the face this pulls the helm off from being part of the skin as shown on the helmet of defense on the right. It kind of gives Minsc that Brad Pitt look in Troy... well you might have to zoom in a bit.


I was not sure you could apply shadow on an existing plt but you can, fairly cool.

Attached Images

  • ShadowEyeHelm.png