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#549308 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 03 November 2012 - 04:45 AM in 1PP

Not an update per se, but 4.1.0 should be on SHS now :)

#549246 IWD An Assertion failed in Infinity.cpp at line number 840

Posted by Erephine on 01 November 2012 - 09:06 AM in 1PP

will look into it, thanks. :)

#549186 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 31 October 2012 - 02:46 AM in 1PP

SHS uploads should be functional again, so download should no longer be an issue soon :) Sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime (but I figured releasing/updating anyway was better than having you wait!).

This may be a tiny issue:
The circlet of the archmagi does not increase intelligence and saving throws by 1 but sets the saving throws vs. death, petrify and wands to 1 instead.

Will look into this, thanks.

1pp for TotLm:

lirobe.spl has references to non-existent effects 'fm_gnome.eff' and 'mm_gnome.eff'. Available would be 'fm_gnom0.eff' and 'mm_gnom0.eff'....

If I remember correctly it doesn't matter/is a vestige as IWD/TotLM does not actually set gnome animations. Can check though :)

Bug Report: Baldur's Gate, Easy Tutu, Mods, 1PP, Ulcaster Ruins, Icharyd crash

Hi. I'm not sure this is the right place for it, but I've run into a gamebreaking bug while using this mod. When encountering Icharyd at the Ulcaster Ruins the game will crash to the desktop every time.

It seems there is a conflict between one component of 1PP and #400 Core updates and item patches. I can install different combinations just fine, but as soon the #400 Core component is in place the game will crash. Uninstalling that component eliminates the problem.

To be sure, I started with a fresh Tutu install and installed each mod in the log below one at a time, and ran the content each time. There were no problems until I installed 1PP. At that point, I uninstalled all the 1PP components and reinstalled them one at a time, again running the content fine until good ol' #400.

It's not a huge deal, but it does make this one encounter unplayable and the northeast section of the Ulcaster map unreachable.

Edit: I suspect this may have something to do with animations, or equipment. Icharyd wields a Flail +1, wears a helmet and carries a Medium Shield (which looks like an old-style BG1 Medium Shield regardless of whether or not 1PP is installed at all).

Thanks. Haven't reproduced yet but will definitely look at it. What are your install options on 400, content-wise?

#547327 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 24 September 2012 - 01:38 AM in 1PP

I've encountered two small bugs with this really fantastic mod (I have v4.0.0 installed). The first is that Eilistraee's Circlet gives 100% magic-damage resistance rather than 10%. The other is a mod (semi-) conflict: when I change an avatar using the "Avatar Morphing Script" from BG2 Tweaks, the avatar change doesn't survive loading a save. Upon loading, the avatar reverts to the default and I have to rerun the morphing script.

Wonderful mod, btw. Many thanks!

Ah, actually 110% :doh: Typo in the installer. Thanks for spotting :)
Not much to be done about the other thing -- the avatar switching component does what it says on the tin (dynamically changes avatars according to equipment), which breaks/reverts any non standard avatar for party characters as long as the .cre is set to one of the standard PC races.

Glad you enjoy!


Cheers, will add rudimentary detection/support to the next build.

#547268 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 22 September 2012 - 06:51 PM in 1PP

Figured out what was causing the conflict with SPWI317..
BG2 Tweak Pack - Rule Changes:

Add Save Penalties for Spells Cast by High-Level Casters (BETA)
By request, this component will adjust spells to have save penalties when cast by high-level casters. For every five levels over the minimum level required to learn a spell, a -1 to saves will be imposed.
For example, Hold Person is a second level cleric spell, and can be learned when a character hits level three. When the character hits level eight, the spell now has a -1 penalty to the victim's saving throw. At level 13 it's -2; at 18 it's -3, etc. all the way out to -9 at level 48. The penalties are extended out to level 50 in case players are playing an XP cap-free game or with one of the various level-50 rule sets.
The penalties will work against you for spells from enemies, but I expect this component will, in general, probably make the game a lot easier. You'll have the choice to add these penalties to divine spells, arcane spells, or both.
NOTE: This component has been flagged as beta. There have been sporadic reports of crashes with this component installed, but I have not yet been able to replicate and solve these issues. If you should encounter issues with this component, please file a bug report at the mod's forum--I really, really want to get this nailed down and fixed.

Can you/someone attach the patched .spl file after installing the Tweak Pack component?

#547128 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 20 September 2012 - 03:02 AM in 1PP

Ah, I can see how the 1ppv4 spell tweaks component might conflict with other mods. For the individualised armour effects, I patch in the new references which are located in extended headers. Supposing another mod changes these around before installing (whether by adding/removing or otherwise changing the offsets) it would likely lead to corrupted files; there's currently no check to verify that the offsets are indeed correct. Will try and improve compatibility in further updates (would be helpful to know exactly what mod/changes this conflicts with in the interim).


That said, first feature update:

Posted Image

- Scale shields now have their own animations rather than using the BG2 medium shield ones (see above to the right, taken from the documentation)
- Improved carried/description images (should be a lot more consistent) along with other item-related bug fixes
- Fixed GUI overlap issues with low resolutions.

#546888 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 17 September 2012 - 09:33 AM in 1PP

I'll see if that is feasible when I get to it.

Other things to take care of first :shifty:

#546592 1pp animation fixes for IWD:TotLM

Posted by Erephine on 14 September 2012 - 04:15 AM in 1PP

The 'issue' is that it overwrites scripts that were fixed by the IWD fixpack. Even if you adopt the fixpack as your template by which to update, then you are stil beholden to update the scripts when the fixpack updates. It seems like direclty patching the .bcs files is the most direct way to avoid problems, now and in the future.

Does the IWD fixpack patch the BCS files? If so, there should not be any issues if it's installed after.

#546576 1pp animation fixes for IWD:TotLM

Posted by Erephine on 13 September 2012 - 06:08 PM in 1PP

Possible, but a fair bit of work/testing.

Is it currently an issue?

#546488 1pp animation fixes for IWD:TotLM

Posted by Erephine on 12 September 2012 - 09:51 PM in 1PP

Reuploaded the fixed installer in case anyone wants it (before the package can be updated)


#546105 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 05 September 2012 - 05:58 AM in 1PP

Aannd... we are no longer a RC (I know, I know)

Posted Image

legacy shields v2 == complete.

The new version also includes a few tweaks to the GUI component, and offers more choice when it comes to item colours on install (allowing you not to set major/minor colours for any items, magical or otherwise; allowing you to set item colours for everything except BG1 shields).

#545961 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 02 September 2012 - 11:17 AM in 1PP

If that's definitely the component causing the problem, it would have to be triggered by one of the following spells:

SPWI317, SPWI414, SPPR510, SPPR608

or possibly a corrupted spell ids/table after adding two spells via WeiDU. If someone could check what exactly is triggered in the banter, that would be a huge help in narrowing down the issue.

#545841 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 30 August 2012 - 12:01 PM in 1PP

And it is up :) changes in the new release are the paperdoll handling in IWD and the addition of the remade small shields.

Little known fact about myself: BG1 small shields have always been my favourite so I wanted to make sure I get them right (definitely happier with them this time around!). Picking up Viconia with her dark green small shield while exploring out in the Sword Coast wilderness = one of the things I associate most vividly with my early BG experiences. That shield.

#545831 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 30 August 2012 - 05:25 AM in 1PP

Actually not so minor. IWD:HoW/TotLM has always been a bit of a mess when it comes to the human female animation series and paperdolls. Basically, the size classification and way the game handles these changed between the BG1 and BG2 engines, and as IWD continued to use the old paperdolls it was pretty much a hack using half BG2 and half BG1 assets, inconsistently implemented to boot. As a result, an absolute pain as far as modding goes.

Soo in the interest of preserving hair and preventing future frustration, I've decided to hell with it and updated the code/references to consistently use BG2 content. Changes a few components, so if you could test once it goes up that would be fantastic.

I've been somewhat loath to do this in the past for those who want to stay as true to the original IWD as possible, but I guess now you can just use the BG1 animations if that is what you're after (should introduce no new incompatibilities) :) So yeah, should be more consistent in either choosing the more BG2 oriented look, or the original BG1 code.

I've added the flaming longsword to the item patches. :)

#545725 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 28 August 2012 - 10:41 AM in 1PP

Ah, was wondering whether I had got around to uploading the updated installer for that one.

Will do it as soon as SHS uploads get fixed (to save K'ae some grief) as it's a known issue and not really harming anything.

#545723 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 28 August 2012 - 10:36 AM in 1PP

Sorry to bother you, but I'm having a problem getting RC5 to install on IWD1. This is what I've installed so far:

And now I'm trying to apply RC5 to the game, but A) I'm getting options that aren't even listed in the readme, and appear to be from the old version (referencing a directory structure that isn't present in the current 1pp folder) and B) almost nothing installs correctly. I completely deleted my old 1pp folder and .debug / setup file prior to copying over the RC5 assets.

setup-1pp.debug contents

Any idea what is going on?

Make sure to delete 1pp.tp2 from your IWD directory.

#545697 1pp ~ high quality music for SoA/ToB || Tutu/ToSC || IWD || PS:T

Posted by Erephine on 28 August 2012 - 02:20 AM in 1PP

Updates for SoA/ToB, Tutu/ToSC and PS:T are up :)

#545679 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 27 August 2012 - 04:55 PM in 1PP

Congratulations on RC5!

Mandark raises an issue that niggles at me, and maybe unnecessarily so. The item details often include sketches of items that don't match the item icon- assuming there is a suitable item sketch for each icon, is this something you plan on updating Erephine?

Depending on your install options, carried images (the ones in the item description) are not always optimal. It's an issue I am aware of, and sadly was present to a noticeable degree in the original games, so definitely in my sights to maybe fix.

I can sketch new carried images but the limiting factor (for the time being) is time.

#545650 The coding

Posted by Erephine on 27 August 2012 - 09:14 AM in Infinity Animations

If I remember correctly, there were a few other fixes in it as well, which is a shame. While I don't really have the time to devote either, I could try and isolate them for an interim patch, perhaps?

Likewise. Good to be here, too :)

#545634 The coding

Posted by Erephine on 27 August 2012 - 05:59 AM in Infinity Animations

There was also a fixed version for the ANSI issue, but it looks like it was never released.

Sent the files to Miloch/et al. who currently maintain this mod sometime last year; assumed it had gone through.

#545576 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 26 August 2012 - 12:54 AM in 1PP

Perhaps. There is currently no true port of BG1 helmet animations, which is why the installer refers to it as fake BG1 style.

I try to approximate with the animations that are there, which is a better fit than vanilla but by no means perfect. 'Skip' is actually the worst choice if you care for accuracy; the fake BG1 option is the closest you can get at present. Also, if you like the BG1 style icons/approximations, you should not 'apply to Tutu' as that is the default for Tutu installs.

The helmet you refer to as not matching is an update of the typical BG2 helmet. I think it 'sort of' matches, but if amongst the helmets 1pp offers you feel there is a better match feel free to point it out. That you get it at Winthrop's is an issue because you're applying BG2 items to Tutu -- the helmet is rather rare in BG2 so I put the alternate there, whereas it is very common in BG1/Tutu.

#545541 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 25 August 2012 - 09:07 AM in 1PP

This is the paperdoll/avatar series for the female elven wizard in standard BAM colours:

Posted Image

Pink and teal are the major and minor clothing colour, respectively, and the ones you can change for your characters. The other colours (trim/detail = grey, metal = blue, leather = red) vary from NPC to NPC (hence why they look different in different screenshots), and are the ones set by equipped robes. In the unarmoured state, you are stuck with your character defaults save for editing the default values in NI.

#545514 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 24 August 2012 - 11:06 PM in 1PP

Here we go :)

Updates include the BG1 medium shields, the aforementioned improved colour choices and various fixes from the last couple of pages of this thread. It also includes six additional pixels on non-magical arrow inventory icons! As always, let me know if anything is weird (that isn't me).

#545507 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 24 August 2012 - 04:44 PM in 1PP

Can't wait :)

In the meantime, here's another weird thing that happened to me:
Jondalar (the guy in Candlekeep that teaches you about combat) killed my character!

I'm pretty sure his quarterstaff is not supposed to deal any damage, so I'm wondering if there's a chance 204 (Colourable Quarterstaves) might be the culprit?
(the archer in the same encounter still deals the proper 0 damage per hit, which is why I'm suspicious of this component)

I can't see anything that would patch the damage.

However, from what I can see the weapon he has equipped (staf04) hits and acts like a regular staff in BG2 whereas it has zero damage in BG1/Tutu and is undroppable. In my Tutu install the file seems correct as per BG1, but that might have something to do with the issue.

#545500 1ppv4.1.0 release - Download & discussion

Posted by Erephine on 24 August 2012 - 02:39 PM in 1PP

Oh, I meant more along the lines of "so I can reproduce the bug and fix it in WeiDU."

Sure. Might just have been something I did wrong (entirely possible as I am bad at WeiDU) but the file we are looking at is 210_v4_ppd_variety.tph at the very end.

Compare with this one, which as far as I can tell should do exactly the same, but actually works:

Attached File  210_v4_ppd_variety.tph   25.59K   454 downloads