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#202442 portraits

Posted by Erestor on 28 April 2005 - 12:20 AM in Layers of Reality

*whistles* Wow. I look at each of your portraits and think of an NPC to replace. I could play BG(2) with an all-HERD cast!

#148853 How would you treat a gay romance?

Posted by Erestor on 02 September 2004 - 01:30 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Quite. Don't worry. Release it. If it's well-written, people will enjoy it.

#145678 What are your stats IRL?

Posted by Erestor on 25 August 2004 - 10:40 PM in Delusions of the Mind

STR- 14
DEX- 8
CON- 6
INT- 14
WIS- 5
CHA- 10

STR- I'm fairly strong, for no good reason at all (see CON).
DEX- Nothin' special. Clumsy sometimes.
CON- I rarely do manual labor, I smoke like a train, I don't drink enough water and I drink far too much.. erm... Coke.
INT- I'm no genius, but I'm going to college for free 'cause my grades earned me some pretty nice scholarships, and I'm good at figuring things out myself.
WIS- (also see CON) I often have the common sense of a telephone pole. At least I think about future consequences, etc... sometimes up to five minutes in the future!  :bash:
CHA- I've never had a problem making friends; I like people, and I'm fairly adept at the art of persuasion. But I'm no leader. Nor am I a casanova.

#145674 Fairly normal merc NPC

Posted by Erestor on 25 August 2004 - 09:45 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Hey, I'd be all for a non-human, too. My description was by no means 'the way it has to be.' A half-orc... that'd be nice.

Well.. except.. half-orcs are generally not very bright, true? Which doesn't really mesh with my original mental picture of this fellow. But if it were done this way, I wouldn't complain, either.

#145171 Fairly normal merc NPC

Posted by Erestor on 24 August 2004 - 02:47 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Thanks you guys. I wish I had the knowledge to do this myself, but I don't... nor do I have the time to learn. (stupid job... stupid college... grr... heh)

Edit: But if anyone with said knowledge wanted to do it... they'd be my hero.

#145169 NPC mod: Human female priest

Posted by Erestor on 24 August 2004 - 02:45 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I like your ideas.

#144857 Fairly normal merc NPC

Posted by Erestor on 23 August 2004 - 11:53 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I was reading the "overused ideas" topic, and it dawned on me how true it is that so many NPCs, especially modded NPCs, have such a dramatic and/or convoluted background that it becomes hard to suspend one's disbelief long enough to enjoy their company.

*Note: I'm not criticizing the work of any modders out there, especially when you take into consideration how many mods I've written*

Anyway, I'd kinda like to see an NPC who was really just out there to make a buck (which is easy to believe... he'd be more like most real-life people than just about anything) and decided that adventuring was the best way to do it.

I know it would be hard not to make such an NPC seem dry and lifeless, but he'd still have a background and a personality, right?

Maybe he comes from a nameless old run-down farm run by his nameless old run-down dad who died a nameless old run-down death, poor and unknown. This might've made NPC decide that he'd not let that happen to him, no matter what it took, and thus set out to make a name for himself... or if not that, at least a good many golders.

I'd picture said NPC as a human in above-average condition, though not amazingly strong. Pretty darn smart (always figures out how to make a buck) though not necessarily all that wise (I mean, adventurers make a lot of money sometimes, but more often than not end up dead... not the safest career path to take just to make some cash). Probably quite adept in the use of whatever weapon he chooses, since that's how he earns his living (and his skill would make up for his not-terrifyingly-awesome strength, etc.). He's a hired hand, not a leader, so his charisma wouldn't win over the hearts of all he meets.. but maybe a dry, cynical sense of humour appealing to some?

Not a bad guy, just greedy. And perhaps by the end of his stay with CHARNAME he could even have learned that a little altruism feels good every now and then, too.

I'd think:

STR: 15-16
DEX: 12-13
CON: 15-16
INT: 14-16

And let's just say Grand Mastery in... oh... bastard swords. Or flails. Or whatever.

For a touch of uniqueness (and in the interest of staying in-character), he could ask for payment to join the party initially (although Korgan does the same if you pick him up then drop him only to ask him back again, right?), then perhaps when the party 'scored' a big reward (i.e. after freeing Nalia's keep), he could demand a percentage of the pay for himself. Take take take, but what does he give?

Like, say, Hubelpot, I'd play this guy more for his personality, etc. than his sheer usefulness. Although a fighter's nice to have around sometimes.

I guess that long-winded spiel was meant to say: I really just want an NPC who's enjoyable and very believable, if not remarkable.

#140346 You have got to be kidding...

Posted by Erestor on 08 August 2004 - 02:14 AM in Edwin Romance

Edwin is one of my very favorite characters.

I always, always play a male character... but I'd play a female and romance Ed just to see the results.

#140338 Orphan Characters

Posted by Erestor on 08 August 2004 - 01:44 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Hm... I quite like the idea of Grozhar myself.