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#601446 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 02 April 2018 - 09:05 PM in Mega Mod Help

This is (one of) the dialogue file the joinable Tenya would use, not the original Tenya that is always in the game.

It is in my override folder. It looks like SETUP-EEE copied the file there and I can't see any other reference to the tenyj.dlg file in any mod I'm installing.

I have a complete install now that I removed that one snippet. I ran into one more small failure.


Copying and patching 1 file ...
[override/QD_MCP01.spl] loaded, 154 bytes
ERROR: cannot convert kit_code or %kit_code% to an integer
ERROR: [override/QD_MCP01.spl] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR: [CVMystra.2da] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [Sandrah EET additions], rolling back to previous state


Before when I was getting this error, I thought it might be related to Might & Guile failures I was also getting, but I stopped including Might & Guile in my install.

Subtledoctor (for M%G) and myself already pointed out several times that the issue is in deed related but not in the way that our mods have a compatibility problem but because both mods choke on something done by an earlier mod to files we need later on. Leaving M&G out therefore does not help since it is not the source of the problem.

#601476 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 03 April 2018 - 11:18 AM in Mega Mod Help



now I got an error with SandrahNPC



1. Using the game in the steam/steamapps folder nearly always leads into trouble - just read a couple of entries in this thread from the last week. It is best to make a copy of the clean unmodded game to a neutral unprotected folder and install the mods there.

2. Pause the BWS - uninstall the already installed Sandrah components manually (directly with setup-SandrahNPC.exe in the BG2EE directory). Install one component after the other manually. This works in most cases unless 1. above prevents it. Then continue BWS.

#601408 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 01 April 2018 - 10:38 PM in Mega Mod Help

Question: I know the original game mod compilation is outdated, but what exactly does that mean? We can't mod them because of Reasons? We might get more bugs than expected? I want to play the original with as much contenct as possible

Mods have been updated, some big ones include new components, new mods have been added, other became unusable, new conflicts have been detected or some updated mods require a new install sequence or dependency etc.

What exactly that means for such a complex construction that has not been maintained for 16+ months you can only guess. I am afraid nobody will know unless he or she tries to update the thing now.

#601294 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 27 March 2018 - 09:15 PM in Mega Mod Help



I don't know how analyse the run_baldur.bat, but I think he stopped when it scan Sirene BG2 v. 1.6


Must I desinstall this mod ?

How ?

It is most likely not Sirene, the mod has no journal entries and no french translation...

It must be the mod that the game attempts next. Problem is that I do not know which one that may be or how to find out, I have no idea which sequence is used here.

#601258 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 27 March 2018 - 03:49 AM in Mega Mod Help

A player just wrote this:

"I'm setting up an EET installation through BWS, planning on adding Might and Guile. However, its Bard overhaul component (210) clashes with the BG1 NPC Project "Banters, Quests and Interjections" component (0001), favoring the later."

Giving the benefit of the doubt and assuming this is not just a further attempt by someone with a silly and baseless grudge (*cough*) to use a neutral 3rd-party tool to disparage and disadvantage my mods... so, assuming there is some kind of "clash..." Could someone maybe mention that to me??

I can't eliminate "clashes" if I don't know about them. And I'm sure players would like all clashes between mods to be eliminated. So unless someone thinks her silly, baseless grudge is more important than all the players who want to eliminate clashes, then please post details somewhere.


As always, let us stick to facts.


BWS has this conflict


BG1NPC Garrick quest vs Might and Guile's Bard Class Overhaul=C:BG1NPC(1):might_and_guile(210)


This issue is already in the BGT and classic BG1 configuration and EET inherits it from there, i.e. the conflict was already defined even before EET was implemented in BWS.


This is obviously a very old issue - so question is whether this is still valid for the current versions of both mods? They surely have been updated both since this was implememted (years ago). One needs to seek forum's history to find out why it was defined in the first place and by whom.


PS - I checked the BWP manual for further information but it says that current version skips might_and_guile(210) because it is only for EE? Even stranger...

#601505 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 04 April 2018 - 08:55 AM in Mega Mod Help

I tried to reach out to the Creator of a mod via the links they said best. Looks like they have dropped off the scene. So does that mean the mod can never be accepted by an EET install? I ran that tool k4thos provided and tinkered with mods not allowed by eet to install. 


So if the version I'll be using(haven't reached BG2 yet) works, how do we get around the mod author being awol?

Which mod is it?

Further actions would depend on that.

#601637 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 11 April 2018 - 05:05 AM in Mega Mod Help

Help/Feedback needed


I am currently running tests for a streamlined version of old BWS to overcome many known recent issues of the aged tool, so it may survive for a bit longer.


I make the following observation regarding mods hosted on github:

Download of many (especially large) mods can take some time if they are all hosted in the same user's repositories.

I take the mods hosted by myself on github as an example (about 30 mods) - it looks like even though BWS can download parallel files (up to 5) this narrows down to a single one if they are hosted at the same address. This way bunching of mods at a single point e.g. https://github.com/RoxanneSHS or https://github.com/BiGWorldProject (just naming the ones I know personally) may lead to bottleneck effects.


Does anyone have similar experience or - even better - some technical insight that my assumption is false or correct?


If true, it is not a real problem but It may become a bit of a nuisance since the tool downloads github-hosted mods linked to the master branch anew  every time since it cannot verify the update status.

Unless that can be overcome, I still would argue that to have stable reliable download links has priority over speed, but that is just my personal view.

Further research in BWS code shows that the tool creates a download queue for each server and runs up to 5 downloads in parallel, i.e.1 from each server. So when all the G3, SHS etc mods are downloaded, the github queue is still busy just because it has today the most and the biggest mods and only one of them is grabbed at a time. After first 10 minutes, all other queues are finished and then just github still provides stuff.

Obviously no chance for improvement here, just something to bear in mind.

#602071 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 27 April 2018 - 09:10 PM in Mega Mod Help

Found what I believe to be an error in BWS of the romance cheats in Tweak Anthology. The romance cheat states that its multiple romance might conflict with third-party romance mods, but not for its other cheats such as racial requirements. However, BWS treats all of the romance cheat as the same so I cannot install the romance cheat and any NPC mod with a third-party romance even if I uncheck the multiple romance part.

I know what you mean and the problem is in how CDTweaks has its components defined. All Romance Cheats are component 3183 of the Tweak with sub-selections for some choices. BWS handles conflicts on component level, so whenever you select one of the choices, it rises the conflicts for the component.

You can safely add the choice you make to your game as you know why the conflict is raised. You just tell BWS to ignore this conflict.

#601899 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 21 April 2018 - 07:29 AM in Mega Mod Help

Is Gavin bg2 BGT hotfix still needed for the latest Gavin? It's still listed in BWS which makes me ask here. I have not yet dared to install it and there is a thread here http://www.shsforums...-was-not-found/ that says it's not needed anymore but in all honesty I don't see this included in the changelog of Gavin BG2.


What is correct?

I don't know is this helpful or not but I think your best bet is to ask current mod maintainer, here: http://gibberlings3....p?showforum=128.

By the way I would very much like to see your manual installation of BGT once it is over, can you post your Weidu log when you are finished? 

P.S. Just found that newest available guide for BWP v.17 still use it...



Is Gavin bg2 BGT hotfix still needed for the latest Gavin? It's still listed in BWS which makes me ask here. I have not yet dared to install it and there is a thread here http://www.shsforums...-was-not-found/ that says it's not needed anymore but in all honesty I don't see this included in the changelog of Gavin BG2.
What is correct?

No, it's not necessary any more. For Keldorn Romance, either. That's also the reason why it's no longer available from the download section and the thread about the hotfix was no longer pinned.

Changelog Gavin BG2 v20:
-included hotfix for b!aley.are. The area no longer crashes during night

There is a mix-up here.

Those guys are referring to the BWP Fixpack v17 by Leonardo which contains those hotfixes.


They just post this stuff in the BWS thread while BWS + Fixpack are up-to-date.

#601745 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 15 April 2018 - 08:58 PM in Mega Mod Help

some reporting from my BWS megamod install: i've got inventory stutter problem only when Sandrah is in my party, and that is not fun at all, cause i did want to try this new mod.

Weidu.log - http://textuploader.com/duvit

video - https://streamable.com/tw56a

p.s. yep, not biffing installation helped with wrong spell names problem

This lag (it is not stuttering, there are no scripts involved here) has been noticed by users with or without Sandrah. There is an official report at bean dogs about it, It is an issue of the game inventory handling itself.

Anyway, it appears that with Sandrah and or some other specific party members it happens more often than without them.

It is nothing that can be solved by BWS or the Sandrah mod. It may be improved by patch 2.5 of the game, but I have no information about that yet. It only affects inventory screen handling when you select items and the game does its checking to highlight the party members who can use it. It does not slow the normal play.

There are scripts looking for an item by looking in every potential inventory spot of every character constantly, which can be a pain.

While this remark is generally valid, it is not the case here, as several tests done by others and reported here have made clear.

What could be a factor is that big scripts are running AND the inventory management as it is currently installed both may consume resources, regardless of what those scripts do. This was tested by removing all item checks from the scripts of party NPCs (including Sandrah) and still having the problem. There is some assumption that running large scripts while browsing the inventory is a bottleneck, regardless of the content of the scripts.

But again, there is no proof for it and the issue is random for some users and not reproducible.

#601675 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 13 April 2018 - 10:09 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hello! I have a trouble with installation Enhanced Edition Trilogy.


I read about this bug in readme file, but I don't understand what I supposed to do. I visited forum page of this mod, and one said that this bug was fixed with latest version of BWS. But I have already got the latest version.

Please, explain me, what I should do.

Please post the weidu.log  from your BGEE folder (the BG1+SoD game) here.

#600817 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 06 March 2018 - 07:58 AM in Mega Mod Help

Official mirrors of all baldursgatemods.com mods are here:



Are you sure? Those are dead links for me.

#600784 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 04 March 2018 - 09:16 AM in Mega Mod Help

OK, so to try again, I just dumped my prior install of BWS and decided to start over.  I got the game files set up clean on their own separate Drive so everything is good there, Downloaded through Beam Client, installed, started and game saved for BGEE, SoD, and BGEE2.


I downloaded the BWS file from SHS, and unpacked it but haven't run it.  Couple of things:

Do I need to run the BWS InstallPack?  How about the BWS Fixpack?  Do these need to happen before I set up BWS to start an install?  Is there a better place to download the BWS Program from?  I have the Installpack, Fixpack, and TextPacks all saved so if I need to throw them into the download folder once it's created I can do that or do I just need to throw them in the BWS folders.


Sorry I'm such an idiot, I'm just an old guy that has loved this Franchise since the beginning and I'm pretty limited in how much computer stuff I can manage.  Thanks

It sounds confusing but...

1. You have the games and started them and did a save - fine

2. You download the BWS from here https://bitbucket.or.../get/master.zip

3. You extract it to somewhere on your computer but NOT into any of the game directories for BGEE or BG2EE

4. You follow the instructions from here https://forums.beamd.../comment/704157 step by step.


(In one of the steps, you will define a download location for the mods, you can put the unextracted mods or tools you already have downloaded there - BWS will find and check them, otherwise it will download them again.)

#599978 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 02 February 2018 - 12:43 AM in Mega Mod Help

Where do you put custom portraits for EET? Are any particular settings that need to be used?

It is not as easy as to just put portraits into some folder, you also need some code to add them to the menus where you create your creature. Look at the tp2 code of the Isandir portrait mod to see an example of how it can be done.


Something like this to be added to BGEE.lua file

portraits =
    {'MAN1', 1},
    {'MAN2', 1},
    {'GENDWRF', 1},
    {'GENMELF', 1},
    {'GENMHLF', 1},
    {'NHORC', 1},

#600017 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 03 February 2018 - 11:21 PM in Mega Mod Help

Thanks enderandrew. Upon re-reading I come to the same conclusion and I'll just skip component 11 and 12.


@Roxanne I started BWS with the "update if needed" file, and it said BG1UB component was added and "press any key". Although, I still can't find the new BG1UB component in the list. Do I need to do something else? Note: this is for old BGT - did you only add it to EET?


Also, under almaterias restoration project a component is missing "minor restorations". Can you add it? I suspect it was removed because of peoples reports of it being broken on non-EE installs. Although, as enderandrew and me just noted, it's already fixed. It's component 11 and 12 which are currently problematic, not the minor restorations one.

- I added BG1UB updates to BGEE and EET.

- The only component *missing* from almateria Is "Better Item Import" which is disabled with 'Made obsolete by BG2EE patch 1.3' - again this is for EE games.


Updates for BGT need to wait for somebody who can do changes to that part of the BWS, I do not touch these configurations as I do not risk to break anything in the classic games. Maybe it is worth looking what BWP does with these components?

#599911 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 31 January 2018 - 07:22 AM in Mega Mod Help

Is there a updated guide for that somewhere? It was easy enough to use it for replacing the intro vid, but I can't tell how you would use it to edit a player char.

You go to the section called "Save" and find your saved games there. Open Baldur.gam to see your party members, also all NPCs that are currently not in your party, and a list of all Globals and their current values.

Select *HARBASE or the party member with your NPC's name and you get all the settings and you can open submenues etc to edit.


Another section, Baldur.sav has all areas you visited and all stores you have used and you can evaluate and edit the saved details of those.

Near Infinity = the use cases are endless...

#599806 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 26 January 2018 - 11:23 AM in Mega Mod Help

Yes, to ''BiG World Downloads'' , I wasn't precise enough.


I now tested links again, now the NPC Tweaks is missing, strange.


I run BWS update again, and something updated.

Could it be that they are changing something, so I am experiencing troubles?

No, it was just me revising the TDD link.


And...in a very big install with many mods there is always a chance that one link or other fails temporarily. This should not be a problem if you keep the 'BiG World Downloads folder. BWS checks there if you already have a mod and only download what is not yet there (except for some mods for which it cannot verify the update status).

#595698 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 05 July 2017 - 01:08 PM in Mega Mod Help

Depending on what other mods you have installed it'll be in one of their backup folders. I just did a file search on my entire BG2 folder and found it in about 5 locations.

Meaning that 5 mods made a backup of that file and provided their modified versions to override but the last one (to be identified with change-log) deleted it from override? How?

#600106 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 08 February 2018 - 01:01 AM in Mega Mod Help

hello, i'm new to using BWS and was wondering if there was a way to export my mod selection to use on multiple computers? i have 3 systems that i'm putting installations on and i want to make sure they all have the same setup(for local network multiplayer games)

If you do that with classic game, you can just copy the whole modded game folder. Then for each PC you need to adjust the game paths in baldur.ini to the respective path on that PC.

With EE it may depend on where and how you did the install (steam, gog, bean dogs). I have made my installs into a directory I fully control and do not use their clients but the baldur.exe directly. No problem to just use copies.

Another possibility is to use DLC - you need to google around to see how that works, it seems to be designed for multiplayer intentions but I never used it myself.

You can try to create identical installs by using the same BWS settings various times, but chances are thin, just one single mod download failing or having been updated between two independent installs and you have different games - this may or may not lead to issues. BWS supports it by letting you export your selection and import it on the other PC but it may not be the best option here.

#600187 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 11 February 2018 - 11:47 PM in Mega Mod Help

NTotSC v2.1.0 is up and ready for BWS:

Link to latest release: Latest NTotSC Release on jastey's GitHub

This release introduces AstroBryGuy's BG:EE worldmap solution and various bugfixes. Unless there are bugs, this will be the final version from my side.

For BG:EE, v2.1.0 doesn't need the BP-BGTWorldmap mod for the mod areas to be accessible via the worldmap. Thank you to AstroBryGuy for this tweak!

To confirm the correct BWS configuration


The mod has the following components

@0=Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (NTotSC) for BGT-Weidu, BG:EE, and EET
@1=Keelor the Dwarf
@2=Llindellyn's Lucky Arrow
@3=Nim Furlwing's Hunting Hounds
@4=Pilar and Gheldehar
@5=Svlast's Torment
@6=Will O'Hara NPC


Components 1-6 require the main component = @0


In classic games, the mod needs worldmap mod while in EE games this is not needed due to new solution.


All correct?

#600707 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 01 March 2018 - 08:48 AM in Mega Mod Help

Solaufein's Rescue is updated to official v1, with direct EET compatibility. The BWFixpack is no longer necessary for v1. Download: https://www.baldurs-...eins-rescue.13/

Question - BWS has a dependency for classic game for the drider animation on Infinty Animations , i.e. it says that the drider component needs IA to be installed. Is that still valid?

#600492 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 22 February 2018 - 07:50 AM in Mega Mod Help

I had the same error with Might and Guile in BWS. I checked the code and realized it was due to a kit installed previously called Grizzly Bear, which had the last entry duplicated in kitlist.2da, effectively creating a new column. I deleted the duplicated kitids and Might and Guile installed properly.

Grizzly Bear is the official kit entry made for Wilson. It is vanilla contents.

#600270 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 16 February 2018 - 04:14 AM in Mega Mod Help

I'm playing both EE games with the EE trilogy mod. I run the big world setup in my bg2ee folder

The thing you are missing is this


@4030=Improved shapeshifting ?


This has been disabled in EE due to this




PS - It is not recommended to run the BWS from a game folder. Best give it an own directory as it will download mods and do other operations you do not want to have inside the game!!

#600208 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 13 February 2018 - 12:04 AM in Mega Mod Help


Thanks for the link. I read it (or as much as I could stomach anyway) and I fail to see your point. Why should I care about any of that? And why should you? It's just a bunch of bickering about stuff that has always been bickered about on these boards.

Can't we get back to at least having the BWS functional again? That's what this thread is about, yes? I have never input a single thing into Fixpack, so I don't know how to do it. But you and others do (Alien do you read this?). Help me help you. I'll provide what needs to be replaced and where. You guys put that in. I guess I can always just do it in my own files to fix my own installation, but that seems a waste of effort, considering the state of the BWS right now.

Just to make clear

BWS and BWFixpack are open to anyone. They are hosted on Bitbucket and Github and both have tutorials for everyone to add/propose/modify their contents. You make a commit there with the changes you see necessary, and if it is valid, it will be merged into the download version.

There is no *boss* and no *secretary* for those tools, there are just a couple of modders who have done this already and may help you out with their know-how.

But it is you who wants to make a contribution and nobody keeps you from doing this.

And if BGT part of BWS is in the shape it is in, it is because those still using it made no effort to put their updates into BWS.

#595559 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 30 June 2017 - 12:49 AM in Mega Mod Help

Still throwing an error.

Yes, thanks, does with mine as well.

The issue was caused by saving BWS\BiG World Setup\Config\BG2EE\Game.ini using UTF-8 with BOM encoding.Alien is just now fixing it.